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学 士 学 位 论 文 系 别:计算机科学与技术 学科专业:计算机科学与技术 姓 名: 李 瑞 运 城 学 院 2014年6月 基于软路由ROS的PPPOE实现 系 别:计算机科学与技术系 学科专业: 计算机科学与技术 姓 名: 李 瑞 指导老师: 杜 经 纬 运 城 学 院 2014年6月 基于软路由ROS的PPPOE实现 摘 要:随着因特网规模的不断扩大,软路由技术受到了人们的广泛关注,并正在逐渐占领更多的硬件路由技术市场。软路由技术可应用于多种操作系统平台,具有配置灵活、成本低、内置网络支持和高度模块化等优点。软件路由器一般硬件配置要比硬件的宽带路由器配置高,所以某些情况下速度比几千上万元的硬件路由器稳定还要快。至于软件路由器的稳定性,受益于稳定的Linux和BSD内核,软件路由器的稳定性非常好。在ROS软路由上搭建PPPoE Server可以通过给内网用户分配账号来实现对内网用户网络使用的管理,结合有些路由器具备的上网行为管理功能和带宽管理功能,通常还能对用户的进行上网行为的管理,如禁止使用IM软件、P2P软件;限制游戏,下载,网页提交,代理服务等,同时也可以限制用户上下行带宽,对带宽弹性管理,分时段、分地址段管理以上所有上网行为。 关键字:ROS(软件路由器) PPPOE SERVER 管理 ROS-based routing software to achieve the PPPOE Abstract: As the Internet continues to expand the scale , soft routing technology has been widespread concern, and is gradually occupy more hardware routing technology market . Soft- routing technology can be applied to a variety of operating system platforms , with flexible configuration, low cost , built-in network support and highly modular and so on. General hardware configuration software than hardware router broadband router configuration is high, so in some cases faster than hardware router on a stable thousand million . As for the stability of the routers software , benefiting from a stable Linux and BSD kernel, the stability of the software of the router is very good. Set up PPPoE Server on ROS soft route to intranet users can assign account to achieve the management of internal network users to use the network , combined with some routers have the online behavior management and bandwidth management features , the user can usually be online behavior management software , such as prohibiting the use of IM , P2P software ; restrictions games, download , web submission , agency services , but also can restrict user downlink bandwidth , the bandwidth management flexibility , time periods , the management of all of the above addresses online behavior . Keywords: ROS (software router) Pppoe Server Management PAGE



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