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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 基于引力模型中国机电产品出口影响因素实证分析 摘要 在世界经济发展变化的过程中,机电产品出口贸易一直是以高于世界经济增长的速度发展,在世界经济生活中起着越来越重要的作用。但随着2008年全球经济危机的爆发,世界各国的机电产品出口市场都受到了很大冲击,为了使本国机电产品出口市场受到的影响降低到最小,欧美等发达国家越来越频繁地使用贸易保护手段。而传统的国际贸易理论往往以牺牲长远的竞争优势为代价换取短期的经济增长,于是大多数国家开始采取新贸易保护主义来促进本国机电产品的出口。机电产品作为中国重要的出口商品之一,出口比重逐年提高。但随着新贸易保护主义的盛行,中国机电产品出口贸易的外部环境日趋恶化,迄今为止,中国己连续十几年成为遭受反倾销调查最多的国家,贸易摩擦频发不仅使机电企业蒙受了巨额损失,而且严重损害了“中国制造”的国际形象。中国机电产品正面临着种种贸易壁垒和限制,研究发展中国机电产品出口贸易的对策,对于扩大中国机电产品出口、优化中国机电产品出口结构具有重要意义。作为机电产品的出口大国,中国成为了世界各国货易保护的主要针对对象。日益复杂的国际贾易环境对中国的机电贾易造成了严重的影响。以传统贸易引力模型为基础,结合机电贫易的实际情况构建了机电贾易引力模型。通过实证分析得出:技术贸易壁垒、反倾悄明显阻碍了我国机电贸易的发展,但社会责任壁垒对机电产品的出口影响不显著。 关键词:引力模型;机电产品;对策 Abstract Changes in the world economic development process, mechanical and electrical products export trade has always been higher than the growth rate of world economic development, plays an increasingly important role in world economic life. But with the outbreak of the global economic crisis in 2008, the worlds export of electromechanical products have been a great impact on the market, reducing the export of electromechanical products in order to make their market impact to a minimum, Europe and other developed countries, more and more frequent use of trade protection means. The traditional theory of international trade is often at the expense of long-term competitive advantage at the expense of short-term economic growth in return, so the majority of countries have begun to adopt new trade protectionism to promote their exports of electromechanical products.Mechanical and electrical products as an important export commodities China , the export share increased every year. But with the popularity of new trade protectionism , the external environment Chinese electromechanical products export trade to deteriorate, so far , China has become more than a decade of continuous anti-dumping investigations than any othe


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