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指导教师评定成绩: 审定成绩: 重 庆 邮 电 大 学 自 动 化 学 院 基于蓝牙通信和上位机控制的智能风扇设计 单位(二级学院): 自 动 化 学 院 学 生 姓 名: xxx 专 业: 自动化专业 班 级: xxxxxxxxxxx 学 号: xxxxxxxxxx 指 导 教 师: xxxxxxxxxxxx 设计时间: 2014 年 9 月 重庆邮电大学自动化学院制 摘 要 在炎炎夏日,空调便成为了人们的必备武器,可是很多人没有注意到吹空调的危害,长时间吹空调,人很容易着凉感冒,降低身体的抵抗力。空调房间比较封闭,空气流通不好,容易有异味,空调通风处若不经常清理,容易积累灰尘和细菌,从而使人生病。并不是所有的人都适合吹空调,像老人,小孩,孕妇都不易长时间吹空调,对此我们设计了此款智能风扇,它以STC12C5A60S2做主控芯片,分别加入了红外模块,温湿度传感器模块,电机调速模块/测速模块,总共分为四个功能模块,分别为自动模式,节能模式,定速模式,定时模式,这些模式既可以很好地调节风速,同时也更加节能,而且增加了蓝牙无线模式,在上位机界面可以很轻松的切换以上模式。 关键词:智能 蓝牙无线 上位机 实用 Abstract in the summer, air conditioning became a necessary weapon for people, but many people do not pay attention to the harm of blow air conditioning, long time blowing air, people are very easy to catch a cold, reduce the bodys resistance. Air conditioning room is closed, the air circulation is not good, easy to have peculiar smell, air conditioning and ventilating place if not often clean, easy to accumulate dust and bacteria, so as to make people sick, not all people are suitable for blowing air, like the elderly, children, pregnant women are not easy to long time blow air conditioning, to this we design this section intelligent fan, it uses STC12C5A60S2 chip control, respectively, joined the infrared module, temperature and humidity sensor module, motor speed control module / speed module, is divided into four functional modules, respectively is the automatic mode, the energy-saving mode, constant speed mode, the timing patterns, these patterns can adjust the wind speed is very good, but also more energy, but also increase the Bluetooth wireless mode, can more easily in the mode of host computer interface. Keywords: intelligent Bluetooth host computer practical 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc8594 一、总体系统设计概述 PAGEREF _Toc8594 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc31273 1.1 系统的设计原理 PAGEREF _Toc31273 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc11



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