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英汉互译 一 My name is Mike.1.?I went to Beijing with my parents on vacation .2.天气非常晴朗.We spent five days in Beijing.3.我们参观了天安门广场。We also went to the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.Of course,We went shopping.The shops were crowded.We ate in some Chinese restaurant,too.4.The food was cheap and delicious.The Chinese people were very friendly.5.We had a good time in Beijing. 1._______________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________ 4._______________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________ 二 6.?我得承认我对历史一点儿也不感兴趣。 I must admit I’m _____________________ interested in history. 7.?她在巴黎呆了一年多。 She stayed in?Paris?for _____________________ a year. 8.?我认识他们当中的很多人,比如约翰和汤姆。 I know many of them, _____________________ John and Tom. 9.?你弟弟每天上网吗,凯特? Does your brother _____________________ every day, Kate? 10.?米勒先生每天早上6点半开始锻炼。 Mr. Miller _____________________ at 6:30 a.m. every day.? 三 11.那个老师和孩子们相处得好。 The teacher_______ ________ _________ children. 12.我不做与她相同的事。 I don’t do the ________ ________ ________ she. 13.刘英真正地关心她的妈妈。 Liu Ying truly_______ _______ her mother. 14.安娜比贝蒂努力得多。 Anna is _____ ______ ______ _______ than Betty. 15.她与她的姐姐很像,她俩都很友好。 She is _______ _______ her sister. They are both friendly. 四 16. 世界上最受欢迎的运动项目是什么? What’s    ?    ?    sport in the world? 17. 这是我看过的最令人激动的电影。 This is the    ?    movie that I’ve seen. 18. 玛丽认为这首曲子是世界上最优美的。 Mary thinks this piece of music is    ?    ?    in the world. 19. 阳光旅馆里的房间是附近最大最干净的。 The rooms in Sunshine Hotel are the     and     around here. 20. 离我家最近的超市步行需5分钟。     ?    supermarket from my home is    ?    ?    . 五 My name is Linda. I’m a fifteen-year-old girl. I have three good friends at school. They are Judy, Alice and Dave. All of us like watching TV. I watch TV three times a week. My favorite TV shows are sitcoms.21 I think they are very funny and can help me relax. Judy can only watch TV on weekends. S


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