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山东科技大学本科毕业论文 山 东 科 技 大 学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目 王楼井田上古生界含煤地层特征研究 学 院 名 称 专 业 班 级 学 生 姓 名 学 号 指 导 教 师 年 6 月 6 日 摘要 论文对王楼井田上古生界含煤地层特征展开研究。充分收集王楼煤矿的钻孔资料、生产过程中的相关文献,运用沉积学、古生物学、构造学、矿床学、地史学以及煤地质学理论,利用钻探、测井、聚煤规律、标志层的对比以及煤质指标分析等技术手段,研究得到: (1)王楼井田上古生界含煤地层为晚石炭世太原组及早二叠世山西组,五种典型的岩性类型:砾岩、砂岩、泥岩、灰岩以及可燃有机岩。 (2)全区主采煤层厚度变化特征:3上煤层井田中部煤层厚,周围薄,全区可采; 16上煤层井田东南部煤层厚,往西北部变薄,全区可采; (3)分析得出该区含煤地层空间变化特点:山西组、太原组全区厚度变化不大。三灰作为重要标志层,全区厚度较稳定。含煤地层整体地层向西倾斜,倾角不大。受正断层的影响,井田东侧含煤地层整体向上错动。 (4)含煤地层主要沉积环境包括:河流相,泥炭沼泽相,三角洲相、泻湖相、滨海相和浅海相,其中以滨海相分布最为广泛。 通过以上研究,查明王楼井田上古生界煤层赋存规律,对实现王楼煤矿安全生产、保障山东经济社会健康发展,具有重大的理论和现实意义。 关键词: 王楼 上古生界 含煤性 煤层对比 Abstract The dissertation is about the feature of Neopaleozoic coal-bearing strate in Wanglou. Gathering sufficiently the datum about the perforates and the literature about manufacture, using edimentology、Palaeontology、Structurology、Gitology、Historical Geology and Coal Geology, utilizing exploration drilling、well logging、law of coal accumulation、strata Correlation、assessment of coal and so on, we can get the result as follow: The Neopaleozoic coal-bearing strate in Wanglou covers about C2-P1t and P1s. The Neopaleozoic coal-bearing strate contains five classical rock: bibbley rock、sandstone、mudstone、limestone and bioganic rock. The tickness feature of primary coal is as follows: The 3上 Coal is thickness in the middle and they are thin in the other area, The 3上 Coal is producible in all the regions. The 16上 Coal is thickness in southeast and they are thin in northwest, The 16上 Coal is producible in all the regions. The feature of coal-bearing strata is as follows: The thickness of C2-P1t and P1s is stable. The third limestone is an important marker bed. The thickness of all the region is stable.The coal-bearing strate is westward tilt and angle of dip is very small. With the effect of centripetal fault, the east of coal-bearing strata is upward dislocation. The depositional environment is as follows: fluvial facies、peat swamp、del


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