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幼儿同伴交往能力发展及其影响因素分析 咸阳师范学院2012届本科毕业毕业论文 PAGE II PAGE III 学校代码 10722 学 号 0812034126 分类号 密 级 公 开 咸阳师范学院 本科毕业论文 题 目 幼儿同伴交往能力发展及其影响因素分析 (中、英文) The Analysis of the Development and Affecting Factors of the Preschoolers’ Peer Interacting Ability 作 者 姓 名 熊良春 专 业 名 称 学前教育 学 科 门 类 教 育 指 导 教 师 官瑞娜 提交论文日期 二零一二年五月 成 绩 评 定 幼儿同伴交往能力发展及其影响因素分析 咸阳师范学院2012届本科毕业毕业论文(设计) 摘 要 幼儿同伴交往能力是幼儿与自己年龄相同或相仿的人在同伴交往中感受、适应、协调和处理同伴关系能力的总和,它由交往的主动性、语言和非语言能力、亲社会行为以及攻击性行为四大部分组成。具备良好的同伴交往能力有利于幼儿良好个性品质的塑造,促进幼儿积极、乐观的情绪情感的形成,帮助幼儿发展社会认知和社交技能,从而促进幼儿社会性的发展。然而,家长和教师的不重视、不了解等原因,导致幼儿同伴交往的现状不容乐观,越来越多的幼儿缺乏同伴交往能力,由此引发诸多心理问题。本文主要通过文献资料法、观察法以及个案研究法的形式对幼儿同伴交往能力的构成、发展特点和现状、影响因素和培养策略等方面进行分析,以期为幼儿同伴交往的教育实践提供一定参考。 关键词:幼儿同伴交往能力;发展特点;现状;影响因素;培养策略 Abstract The ability of children’s peer interaction is the total ability of feeling, adapting, coordinating and handling peer relationship which from the process of the children’s communication with others who is in the same or similar age. It consists of four major components: communication initiative, verbal and non-verbal ability, proposal behavior and aggressive behavior. Having a good peer interacting ability helps young children to shape good character, promote the formation of the positive, optimistic emotion, it can also helps children develop social cognition and social skills, so as to promote the children’s social development. However, parents and teachers do not pay attention to this ability or do not understand how to develop this ability that cause the pessimistic current situation of the children’s peer interaction, more and more children lack of peer interacting ability, resulting in a lot of psychological problems. In order to provide some reference for the education practice of the children’s peer interacting ability



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