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PAGE PAGE 1 Lydia! Kitty! 莉蒂雅! 凯蒂! My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard?亲爱的贝纳先生,你听说了吗? Netherfield Park As you wish to tell me, my dear,I doubt I have any choice in the matter.亲爱的, 如果你想说的话, 我能说不听吗? Kitty, what have I told youabout listening at the door?凯蒂, 我说过不要在门边偷看 Theres a Mr Bingley arrived from the North.有一位叫宾里的先生从北方来了 Five thousand a year!Really?听说年收入五千磅呢!真的? Hes single!Whos single?他还是单身!谁还是单身? A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty!当然是那位宾里先生阿,凯蒂! How can that possibly affect them?这干她们什么事? Mr Bennet,how can you be so tiresome?贝纳先生,你怎么好像兴趣缺缺阿? You know he must marry one of them.你要知道,他要跟她们其中一个结婚 That is his design in settling here?他就是为了这个住在这里? You must go and visit him at once.你要马上去拜访人家阿 Good heavens. People.你们好阿 For we may not visit if you do not,as you well know, Mr Bennet贝纳先生,你知道如果你不去的话我们也就不会去 Are you listening?. You never listen.You must, Papa! At once!你有在听吗? 你从来都不听我说爸, 你一定要去! 马上! Theres no need. I already have.不用了, 我已经去过了 You have?When?你去过了?什么时候? Oh, Mr Bennet,how can you tease me so?噢, 贝纳先生,你怎么这样捉弄我? Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?你都不可怜我的神经吗? You mistake me, my dear.I have the highest respect for them.亲爱的, 你误会我了我是非常关心它们的 Theyve been my constant companions these twenty years.它们可是老老实实陪了我二十年了 Papa!爸! Is he amiable?.Who?他人好不好阿?谁? Is he handsome?Hes sure to be.他帅不帅阿?一定是的 With 5,000 pounds a year,it would not matter if he had warts.凭他年收入5000英磅,就算他耳朵上长了疣都没关系 Whos got warts?谁长疣了? I will consent tohis marrying whichever girl he chooses.无论他选哪个女孩结婚我都会同意的 So will he come to the ball tomorrow?.I believe so.那他明天会来参加舞会啰?我相信他会 Mr Bennet!I have to have your muslin!贝纳先生!我要拿你的棉布来用 Ill lend you my green slippers!They were mine.我可以借你我的绿拖鞋!那是我的 Ill do your mending for a week.Ill retrim your new bonnet.我会帮你做修补一个礼拜的我会保养你的帽子 Two weeks Ill do it for.我做两个礼拜 Its not the same!Its not the same.这不一样!这不一样 I cant breathe.我不能呼吸了 I think one of my toes just came off.我想我刚掉了一只脚指头 If every man does not end the eveningin love with you,如果在今晚结束前没有男人爱上妳的话, then Im no judge of beauty.那我对美女还真没有


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