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Words and phrases Consolidaion(巩固练习) 1.The best way to deal with a disbehaved child is____. A.neglect B.ignore C.omit D.overlook 2.why is he so concerned____others’attitude to her. A. to B.about C.with D.in 3.A series of TV play ____on show on channel 3 tonight. A.is B. are C.was D.were 4.Ann is eager to be in____ A.the outdoors B.outdoors C.a outdoors D.a outdoor 5.The year her total income,with his reward____,____600yuan. A.added to; added up to B.added ; added to C. added up to; added D.adds to;adds up to 6.Although____after the Civil War,the blacks still took no important role except servants and labourers. A.no lnger being slaves B. were no longer slaves C.no longer slaves D.no longer being slaves Bye-bye Company Logo Company LOGO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. add vt.增加, 添加, 计算...总和, 补充说, 又说 vi.加, 加起来, 增添, 做加法 习惯用语: add in 算入; 包括 add on 加到上; 附加; 包括 add to 增加, 加到 add up 加起来, 总计; 和预期产总数相等; [口]有意义, 有道理 add up to 总计共达; (总起来看)等于说; 意味 例句 Add these numbers together.? 把这些数目加在一起。 Add together these figures.? 把这些数字加起来。 Add up the figures.? 把这些数字加起来。 Add zest to sth.? 增加某物的风味[兴趣] The number of cards adds up to 100. .? 2.upset vt. (upset; upsetting) 推翻; 颠覆; 打翻 搅乱; 打乱; 弄糟 使失常; 意外击败(强对手) 使狼狈; 使烦乱 使(胸口、肚子等)不舒服? 例: ????? I upset the soup all over the table.     我把汤打翻在桌上了。  James was upset because he had lost his ticket.     詹姆斯很烦躁,因为他把车票丢了 词性变化 n. 翻倒;倾覆;推翻 心烦意乱 意外的结果,意义的失败      adj. 心烦意乱的 不适的;不舒服的          upset stomach  吃坏了的肚子         My stomach is upset.? 3.Ignore vt. ignored, ignoring 不理睬;忽视 I tried to tell


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