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L/O/G/O Revolution Hits the Universities MOOC 101313113 罗文超 Education really hasnt changed?in the past 500 years.? The last big innovation in education?was the printing press and the textbooks. But there is one big thing happening that leaves me incredibly hopeful about the future, and that is the budding revolution in global online higher education. Massive Open Online Course 4 1 2 3 What is MOOC? MOOCs:The Storm American Interest magazine, the next 50 years, 4500 University in America , will disappear half。 Coursera edX Udacity In 2012?April,?Wu Enda and?the Stanford University professor?Daphne Khloe co founded?another?MOOC profit organization named?Coursera?. In 2012?May,?on the basis of MITx,?by MIT and?the Harvard University established edX,?MOOC platform?of non profitable?in May 21, 2013,?Peking University and Tsinghua University?also?announced to join . Development history 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Mooc is proposed for the first time. A small number of people began to notice him Only in Coursra,the number of registered up to 6 million, 83 partner institutions offers 393 courses Coursera, Udacity,edX was created. The number of registered has more than a million Substantial influence In 2013 February, the 5 network course credits under Coursera received official recognition from American Education Committee Cheap and quality education A 17 year old India boy Amol Bhave was admitted to MIT.Because the exam edX circuit and electronics course score in the top 3% In China Hong Kong University launched the course in Coursera, is considered as the first MOOC in Asian. Shanghai Jiaotong University,?Fudan University?join in?Coursera. Ttsinghua?and?Peking join in edX. In the train of … Thank You! - * L/O/G/O *


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