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摘 要 信息家电是21世纪家用电器发展的主流方向。论文通过探讨信息家电的发展和技术要点,从实际工程出发,对传统家用电饭煲进行深入细致研究,实现电饭煲智能化控制设计。 针对电饭煲的加热控制方法和电饭煲炊煮的最佳炊制加温曲线进行理论研究,提出了一种电饭煲炊煮工艺流程的设计方案,详尽分析炊煮流程的各个阶段和异常处理对策。针对炊煮流程,研制了一个易于实现的米量推算和加热功率的一维模糊控制器。定制了不同煮饭模式、不同米种、不同米量的炊煮模糊控制和保温、煲粥、蒸煮等状态的加热控制方案,并给出在炊煮各个阶段的参数。 论文分析了模糊电饭煲控制系统的硬件结构和软件系统的设计。本文重点研究了HT46R47单片机在硬件设计过程中的低成本设计方法。在软件方面,研究了模糊电饭煲控制系统的软件控制流程并给出其流程图,同时重点介绍了根据推理结果设计的米量判断程序的流程。 关键词:电饭煲 HT46R47 模糊控制 Abstract The information appliances is the main products of the appliances in the 21th century. The paper discusses the core technique and the development of the information appliances. According to the practical project, the research on the traditional electronic rice cooker has been made and the application of the network and intelligence technique on the electronic rice cooker is realized. According to the heating control rules and the best heating curve of the electronic rice cooker, the paper puts forward a new cooking process of the cooker, analyses all the steps of the cooking process and the exceptions at large. With the new cooking process, a one-dimension fuzzy controller that can calculate the weight of rice and the heating power more easily is designed. In the paper, the fuzzy control way for different cooking modes, different kinds of rice and different weight of rice is provided o The paper also provides the heating control rules and the parameters in the status of heat preservation, cooking conjee, steaming etc. The paper analyses the design of the fuzzy rice cooker form of the hardwares control circuit and the software system. The emphasis of the introduction is HT46R47 MCU. The main software flowchart is show to analysis how the cooker works.Whats more,procedure of getting the quantity of rice by reasoning is contrived and the main flow chart is shown. Key words:Electrical Cooker;HT46R47;Fuzzy Control PAGE 9 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第一章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc201477663 \h 1 1.1研究的目的和意义及课题来源 PAGEREF _Toc201477664 \h 1 1.2国内外在模糊控制方面的研究及分析 PAGEREF _Toc201477665 \h 1


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