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口腔健康教育的评价 Evaluation 对口腔健康知、信、行评价的内容: 口腔健康意识的变化 口腔健康知识的变化 对口腔健康问题所持态度的变化 口腔健康行为的变化 社会环境的变化:口腔卫生方针、政策 口腔健康教育与促进的评价 Evaluation 评价的目的——保证资源的充分利用。 评价的时间——在项目进行之前,计划阶段就要确定评价的方法。 直接评价——通常采用标准指数,直接评价健康状况改善的程度,如DMFT,CPITN。 间接评价——同时也需要调查和衡量某些行动,以便鉴定项目某些方面是否合适或需修订或取消。 口腔健康教育与促进的评价 Evaluation 取得评价用的资料有困难或经费上的问题但不容忽略,行政长官往往忽略这一步骤,应予以关注 方法:在进行整个人群效果评价之前,可在一个局部地区进行不同方面的评价;同时,在方便的时候,定期进行评价。 口腔健康促进 Oral Health Promotion 健康促进的起源 The origins and development of health promotion (1) Invest highly ---- After the 2nd World War Ensuring access to health services facilities (hospital primary care) for those in need The National Health Service (UK, 1948) Universal publicly managed health insurance schemes (Canada, 60’s-70’s) Legislation ---- health-related resources (USA) Medicaid and Medicare ---- readily available to the old and poor (Green Kreuter, 1990) 健康促进的起源 The origins and development of health promotion (2) Resource development ---- After the 2nd World War The original assumption: Better access to high-quality health service inevitably led to better health. ? The challenging assumption: Spending more money on health services will have limited impact on the health of the population. 健康促进的起源 The origins and development of health promotion (3) The facts: 免费医疗保健没有消除贫富人群的健康差异 the provision of free health care did not in and of itself eliminate the health gap between the wealthy and the poor. 死亡率和发病率与社会经济状态成反比 The mortality morbidity vs socioeconomic status ---- inversely 健康促进的起源 The origins and development of health promotion (4) The consequence: 医疗费用限制政策出台 Cost containment policy 推出健康教育措施以促进自我保健,减少就医 The role of health education in promoting self-care and reducing utilization of services 健康促进的起源 The origins and development of health promotion (5) 新型保健机构诞生(健康维护机构) New forms of medical practice (health maintenance organizations) 医疗专业人员提供疾病预防服务可以收费 Professionals were paid for prevention 健康促进的起源 The origins and development of health promotion (6) 疾病普改变:The major healt


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