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第 PAGE 32 页 共 NUMPAGES 32 页 PAGE PAGE 32 第 PAGE 32 页 共 NUMPAGES 32 页 2015电大学位英语复习资料 TOC \o 1-1 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc292278787 1.电大学位英语考试词汇(东北财经大学) PAGEREF _Toc292278787 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc292278788 2.学位英语综合 PAGEREF _Toc292278788 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l _Toc292278789 3.电大学位英语单选题 PAGEREF _Toc292278789 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l _Toc292278790 4.电大学位英语完形填空 PAGEREF _Toc292278790 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l _Toc292278791 5.电大学位英语阅读理解 PAGEREF _Toc292278791 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l _Toc292278792 6.电大学位英语作文 PAGEREF _Toc292278792 \h 24 1.电大学位英语考试词汇(东北财经大学) 变音:Pronunciation 1. virtue——amusement 2. relax——value 3. affected——prevented 4. direction——practical 5. field——seize 6. breach——least 7. bulletin——bullet 8. shook——wood 9. occasionally——television 10. notice——stomachs 11. sign——life 12. schoolyard——coo 13. scratch ——check 14. master ——tiresome 15. pigoen ——Jewish 16. opposite ——balloon 17. scatter ——gravity 18. pressure ——directly 19. float ——bellows 20. twinkle ——drink 21. essay ——away 22. splendid ——wretched 23. singer ——tongue 24. mountain ——captain 25. owner ——narrow 26. mouth ——south 27. stomach ——books 28. century ——actual 29. forehead ——regret 30. chapter ——check 31. period ——perseverance 32. counter ——south 33. eyebrow ——town 34. geography ——remark 35. replied ——entered 36. candle ——taxi 37. cross ——fond 38. postmark ——chance 39. appear ——atmosphere 40. stamps ——desks 41. irrigate ——mirror 42. waist ——paint 43. improve ——include 44. quiet ——society 45. behind ——blind 46. latent ——squirrel 47. flood ——blood 48. cookie ——wolf 49. mud ——lung 50. creature ——belief 词汇:vocabulary The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. There were no tickets available for Friday’s performance. Many new opportunities will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. The rain was heavy and consequently the land was flooded. The engine gives off smoke and steam. Don’t release this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead


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