人教新课标 必修2 unit5 music(freddy the frog) 教学设计.doc

人教新课标 必修2 unit5 music(freddy the frog) 教学设计.doc

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Teaching Plan Senior English for Students’ BookⅡ (Go For It) Teacher: 兴国一中 徐素娟 Title Unit5 Freddy the Frog 第 1 课时 Teaching Goals Improve the students’ reading ability. Improve the students’ listening ability. Make students know different kinds of music and increase their interest in learning English. Importance and difficulty of teaching Improve the students’ reading and listening ability. Enable students to review and master the language points generally. Analysis of learning As an extensive reading material, it is not as difficult as the first one. The aim is to enable students understand it and review the useful and important words and phrases of it, which are not very difficult. Analysis of students As Go For It is a new textbook for students, they has been not familiar with it, so the fist thing we should do is that develop their interest in new English textbook and how to learn new English textbook Teaching tools Multimedia Pattern Reading Teaching Procedures Teacher’s Action Students’ Action Step1. Reading and dictation Have students read aloud in class (设计思路:培养学生开口读英语、说英语的习惯) Dictate the new words and expressions in this unit. (设计思路:巩固学生对单词的记忆,进行复习,并为新课的教授打下基础) Step2. Lead-in Show students some pictures of different music or the singing star one by one and have students discuss what or who they are. Questions: Do you know these stars? And what kind of music do their songs belong to? Can you tell me the name? (设计思路:通过对不同音乐类型和不同音乐歌星的欣赏,活跃课堂气氛,起到的复习单词等知识的作用,为文章学习做铺垫) Step3.Reading 1). Reading. Then finish True or False questions T: Please read this short passage in 3minutes and do these True or False questions (设计思路:通过限时阅读的方式培养学生快速阅读、获取文章大意的能力) ①They visited France on a brief tour. (F) ②Their performance was a great success and they are truly stars now. (T) ③They could be found wherever they went, even in the toilet and reading room.



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