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大学英语I College English I 纺织概论 Introduction to Textile Science 高等数学I Advanced Mathematics I 工程图学 Engineering Graphics 计算机基础 Basics of Computer 普通化学I General Chemistry I 素质体育I Quality Sports I “两课”实践 Practical Course of “the Two Courses” C语言程序设计 C Language Program Designing 大学物理I College Physics I 大学英语II College English II 高等数学II Advanced Mathematics II 思想道德修养与法律基础 Moral Cultivation and Legal Foundation 素质体育II Quality Sports II 线性代数 Linear Algebra 英语口语强化训练Intensive Training of Oral English 全国大学生英语竞赛 National English Contest for College Students 证券投资 Portfolio Investment 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management 大学物理II College Physics II 大学物理实验Experiment of College Physics 大学英语III College English Ⅲ 电工技术 Electrotechnics 纺织材料学Textile Materials 纺织材料学实验(分散)Experiment of Textile Materials 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 体育I(排球)Physical Education I-Volleyball 中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Modern Chinese History 营养免疫学 Nutritional Immunology 房地产经济学 Real Estate Economics 大学英语IV College English IV 电子技术 Electronic Technology 非织造实验I Experiment of Nonwoven I 非织造原理I Theory of Nonwoven I 概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory Mathematical Statistics 高分子材料学High Polymer Material 机械设计基础 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design 机械设计课程设计 Course Exercise in Mechanical Design 教学实习 Teaching Practice 体育II(排球) Physical Education II-Volleyball 色彩文化学 Color Culture 遗传与基因组学 Genetics and Genomics “两课”实践 Practical Course of “the Two Courses” 纺织实验Experiment of Textile 非织造布后整理 The Post Finishing of Nonwovens 非织造布后整理试验 Experiment on Post-finishing of Nonwovens 非织造设备与工艺 Nonwoven Equipment and Technology 非织造设备与工艺试验 Experiment of Nonwoven Equipment and Technology 非织造实验II Experiment of Nonwoven II 非织造原理II Theory of Nonwoven II 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 马克思主义基本原理 Basic Principles of Marxism 体育III(跆拳道) Physical Education III-Kickboxing 旅游英语 English for Tourism 纺织工艺学Textile Technology 纺织品服用性能 The Wearability of Textile 服装设计基础 Costume Design Foundation 纤维与纺织品检验 Testing of Fibers and Textiles 大学生就业指导 Employment guidance for


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