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UNIT 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming! Language goals: In this unit students learn to talk about summer plans. New languages: What will you do? I will __ Difficult points: Be going to and will Teaching aids: computer, video, recorder Teaching periods: Period 1: Lesson 43 Period 2: Lesson 44 Period 3: Lesson 45 Period 4: Lesson 46 Period 5: Lesson 47 Period 6: Lesson 48 Period 7: Unit Review Lesson 43 Have a good summer! Lesson preparation: Language knowledge: 1. Vocabulary and phrase: final, exam, tennis take an exam, play basketball/tennis/volleyball 2. Useful knowledge: Talking about plans: What are you going to do for the summer Teaching resources: audiotape, flashcards Lesson structure: Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Lead-in Step 3 Presentation Read the lesson and complete Danny’s diary. Dear Diary, I am so excited today. We wrote our final ______ and school is ______. The day after tomorrow, I will go to my uncle’s house. I’ll stay there for one ______. Debby and I will play basketball, ______, volleyball and ______. We will swim and play in the ______. It’s going to be a great summer. I’m looking forward to it so much. Step 4 Practice Have the class read the dialogue again and answer the questions of 2 on page 115. Step 5、课文讲解 Step 6、短语汇总 Step 7、课文诵读 1、听读课文;2、诵读课文。 Step 8、处理Let’s Do It 练习。 Step 9、笔头操练 【作 业】1、预习下一课;2、复习本课。 Class closing: 1. Finish off the activity book. 2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson. 3. Preview Lesson 44. Lesson 44 Volunteering in Summer Lesson preparation: Language knowledge: 1. Vocabulary and phrase: rights care pet puppy rocket alone field luckily take care of, move away, leave…alone, walk the dog 2. Useful knowledge: Talking about plans: Teaching resources: audiotape, flashcards Lesson structure: Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Lead-in Step 3 Presentation Read the lesson and answer the questions of 1 on page 117. Step 4 Practice Have the class read the dialogue again and answer the questions of 2 on page 117. Step 5、课文


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