南菁中学初三英语9A Unit 1 单元测试卷.docx

南菁中学初三英语9A Unit 1 单元测试卷.docx

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南菁中学初三英语9A Unit 1 单元测试卷 热 荐 【字体:小 大】 南菁中学初三英语9A Unit 1 单元测试卷 作者:jyxjm 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:1371 更新时间:2008-11-27 南菁中学初三英语 9A  Unit 1 单元测试卷   一.听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分)(略)    二.单项选择 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)   1. I was born _____ the evening _____ March 12. 1977.   A. in; of B. in; in C. on; of D. on; in   2. It’s very nice of you _______ each of us a gift.   A. give B. giving C. gave D. to give   3. There ______ ice and snow in winter.   A. are too much B. is too much C. are much too D. is much too   4. “Do you mind if I sit here?” “_______. It’s for Mr Brown.”   A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not   5. He always works hard, so he is a person.   A. hard working B. working-hard C. hard-working D. working hard   6. Some young people are now to buy private(私人的) cars.   A. rather rich B. very rich C. rich enough D. enough rich   7. It is very important us it.   A. to; to remember B. for; to remember   C. for; remembering D. to; remembering   8. Half of the class done most of the work. The left rather difficult.    A. have; is B. has; is C. have; are D. has; are   9. “You must keep in the hospital,” the woman said to me .   A. quietly; quiet B. quietly; quietly C. quiet; quietly D. quiet; quiet   10. The river is too wide for the swimmers .   A. to swim B. to swim in C. to swim across D. swimming  


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