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Study Asks if Tainted Chinese Herbs Are Harming, Not Healing 绿色和平示警中草药“药中之药” BEIJING — Chinese herbal medicine, an ancient tradition that is supposed to heal, may be doing the opposite: is it also harming people’s health and polluting the environment with pesticides, as a Greenpeace study released Monday suggests? 北京——作为古老传统的中药材本应治病救人,结果却可能适得其反:它是否如绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)周一(6月24日——编注)发布的报告指出的那样,在用农药损害人体健康并污染环境呢? The study, “Chinese Herbs: Elixir of Health or Pesticide Cocktail?” tested 65 popular Chinese herbs from nine pharmacies in nine Chinese cities and found 48 tested positive for pesticide residues. Six of the residues (found in 26 of the samples) were from pesticides banned in China, including some the World Health Organization has classified as extremely hazardous. Alarmingly, one pesticide residue was 500 times over the European Union maximum, the study found. 这项名为《药中药——中药材农药污染调查报告》(Chinese Herbs: Elixir of Health or Pesticide Cocktail?)的研究检测了来自中国九座城市的九家连锁中药房的65个常见中药材样品,并在其中48个样本里发现农药残留物。在26个样本中检出的六种残留物属于禁止在中药材上使用的农药,其中一些被世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)列为剧毒农药。令人担忧的是,研究发现,有一种农药残留量超过了欧盟限值500倍。 That Chinese traditional herbs are tainted is known here; last year, People’s Daily online posted an article that said, “Don’t let poor quality herbs destroy the practice of traditional Chinese medicine!” The piece went on to describe the severity of pesticide residue and chemical pollution in traditional Chinese medicines. 在中国,中药材受到污染一事广为人知。去年,人民网刊登了一篇文章指出,“别让劣质中药毁了中医”。文章还进一步描述了中药材农药残留和化学污染问题的严重性。 China’s 600 million farmers use close to two million tons of pesticides each year but the effective utilization rate is only about 30 percent, the Greenpeace study found. The rest turns into hazardous soil, water and air pollution. 绿色和平的研究发现,中国6亿农民每年使用近200万吨农药,但真正对病虫害起到作用的农药仅占喷施量的30%。其余部分转化为有害的土壤、水和空气污染。 Over the past few years, China has spent 21 billion renminbi on genetic engineering research and development, far outstripping the 700 million renminbi spent on ecological farmi


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