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Cultural differences between China and Italy;;列奥纳多·迪·皮耶罗·达·芬奇 (意大利文原名:Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci,儒略历1452年4月15日(公历4月23日)—1519年5月2日,享年67岁),意大利学者、艺术家。 欧洲文艺复兴时期的天才科学家、发明家、画家。现代学者称他为“文艺复兴时期最完美的代表”,是人类历史上绝无仅有的全才,他最大的成就是绘画,他的杰作《蒙娜丽莎》、《最后的晚餐》、《岩间圣母》等作品,体现了他精湛的艺术造诣。他认为自然中最美的研究对象是人体,人体是大自然的奇妙之作品,画家应以人为绘画对象的核心。 ;伽利略(Galileo Galilei,1564-02-15-1642-01-08)。意大利数学家、物理学家、天文学家,科学革命的先驱。伽利略发明了摆针和温度计,在科学上为人类作出过巨大贡献,是近代实验科学的奠基人之一。 历史上他首先在科学实验的基础上融汇贯??了数学、物理学和天文学三门知识,扩大、加深并改变了人类对物质运动和宇宙的认识。伽利略从实验中总结出自由落体定律、惯性定律和伽利略相对性原理等。从而推翻了亚里士多德物理学的许多臆断,奠定了经典力学的基础,反驳了托勒密的地心体系,有力地支持了哥白尼的日心学说。他以系统的实验和观察推翻了纯属思辨传统的自然观,开创了以实验事实为根据并具有严密逻辑体系的近代科学。因此被誉为“近代力学之父”、“现代科学之父”。其工作为牛顿的理论体系的建立奠定了基础;Etiquette difference between China and America;;1.Greeting;While in China, we always say “你吃了吗?”“你上哪里去?”“你干什么去?” to show our consideration. ;2. conversation;3.present;China has this to say Good things should be in pairs, so the Chinese people pay attention to pairs gifts,and they are more willing to send expensive things to show their sincerity.;In total , there are a lot of differences between the US and Chinese in etiquette. So it is essential to understand each other etiquette habits , not only respect for each other, but also to bring a convenient.;Architecture Style;During the Roman Republic, most Roman buildings were made of concrete and bricks, but ever since about 100 BC and the Roman Empire, marble and gold were more widely used as decoration themes in the architecture of Rome, especially in temples, palaces, fora and public buildings in general. Romans mainly copied their orders from the Corinthian orders, the Doric orders and the Ionic orders.;Rome is widely regarded as being the center of Baroque architecture, and was profoundly influenced by the movement. ;Baroque architecture;亭 ting (Chinese pavilions) 台 tai (terraces) 楼 lou (Multistory buildings) 阁 ge (Two-story pavilions) 轩 xuan (Verandas with windows) 塔 ta (Chinese pagodas) 榭 xie (Pavilions or houses on t


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