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算 机 系 统 应 用 2010 年 第 19卷 第 10 期 CUDA 并行技术与数字图像几何变换① 覃方涛 房 斌 (重庆大学 计算机学院模式识别研究所 重庆 400030) 要: CUDA GPU 通过并发执行多个线程以实现大规模快速并行计算能力的技术,它能使对GPU 编程变 得更容易。介绍了CUDA 基本特性及主要编程模型,在此基础上,提出并实现了基于NVIDIA CUDA 技术的图像快速几何变换。采用位置偏移增量代替原变换算法中大量乘法运算,并把CUDA 技术的快 速并行计算能力应用到数字图像几何变换中,解决了基于CPU 的传统图像几何变换运算效率低下的问 题。实验结果证明使用CUDA 技术,随 处理图像尺寸的增加,对数字图像几何变换处理效率最高能 够提高到近100 倍。 关键词: CUDA; 并行化; 数字图像; GPU 编程; 位置偏移增量 Computer Unified Device Architecture Parallel Technology for Image Geometric Transform QIN Fang-Tao, FANG Bin (Chongqing University Institute of Computer Science of Pattern Recognition, Chong qing 400030, China) Abstract: CUDA is a type of technology that performs general purposes fast and parallel computation by running tens of thousands of threads concurrently. It makes users develop general GPU programs easily. This paper analyzes the distinct features of CUDA and summarizes the general program mode of CUDA. Furthermore, it proposes and implements an image geometric transform process by the CUDA. By using a position incremental offset method, instead of a large number of multiplications of the original algorithm, and by applying the rapid parallel computing ability of CUDA to transform the geometric image, solve the problem of the inefficient image transform based on CPU. The experimental results show that, as the image size increase, application of CUDA on image geometric transform can reach to more than 100x. Keywords: CUDA; parallelization ; digital image; GPU programming; position offset incrementa 1 引言 及大量的执行单元,绘制流水线的高 度和并行性为 在某些如车牌识别系统等对实时性要求较高的有 图形处理以外的通用计算提供了良好的运行平台,这 大量图像处理工作的系统开发中,对从摄像设备中获


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