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2009, 28( 1) : 11~ 15 Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research * 1 1 1 2 于倩 , 赵加祥 , 虎乐乐 , 倪虹 ( 1. 南开大学信息技术科学学院, 智能微系统 计与精密控制研究室, 天津 300071 2 . 南开大学医学院, 天津300071) : 有效提取心音包络对于检测S1S2, 分离杂音进而判断心脏病类型和严重程度具有重要意义我 们应用动力学复杂性, 给出一种有效的心音包络提取方法及仿真结果该方法能够有效分离二尖瓣关闭不 全信号的S1S2 和杂音, 明显突出肺动脉瓣关闭不全信号中幅度较低的S2, 准确判断二尖瓣狭窄杂音持续时 间经验证, 该方法具有对幅度变化的鲁棒性, 在信号不同成分交界处, 包络边沿变化陡峭, 降低了后期心音 成分提取和辨识工作的难度 : 包络提取 心音分段 病理性声音的复杂性 医学诊断 : R318 : A :( 2009) Application of Simplicity- based Envelope Extraction in Heart Sound Segmentation 1 1 1 2 YU Qian , ZHAO Jiaxiang , HU Lele , I Hong ( 1. Intelligent Micro System Design Precise Control Technology Lab, College of Inf ormation Technical Science, Nankai University , Tianjin 300071, China 2. School of Medicine, Nankai University, Tianj in 300071) Abstract: The efficient extraction of the heart sound envelop e can signif icantly facilitate detecting S1, S2 , separating murmurs and therefore determ ining the severity of cardiac disease. We provided an efficient phonocardiogram( PCG) envelope extraction scheme, by utilizing the complexity of dynam ical system . Our scheme could efficiently depart S1, S2 and the cardiac murmurs of the mitral regurgitation signal, eff ectively displayed the low amplitude S2 of the pulmonic regurg itation case and precisely computed the duration of the diastolic murmur of the m itral stenosis. It is robust to the variation of the amplitudes. Furthermore, the change of the envelope i


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