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The Twilight Saga’s Edward and his family leave Forks because he believes he is endangering Bellas life. Bella goes into a depression until she develops a strong friendship with Jacob Black, whom she discovers can shape-shift into a wolf Due to a misunderstanding, Edward believes Bella is dead. Edward decides to commit suicide in Volterra, Italy, but is stopped by Bella. They meet with the Volturi, a powerful vampire coven, and are released only on the condition that Bella be turned into a vampire in the near future. Bella and Edward are reunited, and she and the Cullens return to Forks. Bella is compelled to choose between her relationship with Edward and her friendship with Jacob Wedding Honeymoon Pregnancy Delivering Died Transition Brief Introduction Bella and Edward are married, but their honeymoon is cut short when Bella discovers that she is pregnant. Her pregnancy progresses rapidly, severely weakening her. She nearly dies giving birth to her and Edwards half-vampire-half-human daughter, Renesmee. Edward injects Bella with his venom to save her life and turns her into a vampire. * Human Falls for Vampire Author: Stephenie Meyer Director: Catherine Hardwicke Screenwriter: Melissa Rosenberg / Stephenie Meyer Twilight is a series of four vampire-themed fantasy romance novels by American author Stephenie Meyer. It charts a period in the life of Isabella Bella Swan, a teenage girl who moves to Forks, Washington, and falls in love with a 104-year-old vampire named Edward Cullen. A story about a lamb fall in love with a lion. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 单击此处编辑母版文本样式 第二级 第三级 Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen. She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human blood. Edward and Bella fall in love Fall in love at first sight Edward saves


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