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旅游英语口语——购物篇 CEE-Rita 购物Shopping——Buy Cosmetics买化妆品 * * * * [Shopping] Duty-Free Shop 免税店 Key Words ? discount /?d?skɑ?nt/ n. 折扣 ? tax /t?ks/ n. 税 -Welcome. May I help you? -Hello. I noticed that things sold here are cheaper than in other shops. Are there any discounts in your shop? 你好。我发现这里卖的东西比其他店便宜。你们店在打折吗? -All our goods are duty free. Like discounts, you can buy goods at a reduced price. -I want to buy some cigarettes. Are they cheaper here? 我想买些香烟。你们这里便宜吗? -Of course, they are much cheaper here because you don’t have to pay the taxes for cigarette in America, which are 45% of its price. -Sounds great. But why needn’t I pay the taxes? 听起来不错。但我为什么不用付关税? -Because American tax system allows the goods to be exported without taxes. -In other word, buying from our shop means you have to take the cigarettes out of America. -Certainly. 那是当然。 附近哪有百货商店? Is there a department store around here? 我想买条裙子,可以介绍个好的商店吗? I’d like to buy a skirt. Could you recommend a good shop? 我在哪里能买到? Where can I buy it? 最近的超市怎么走? Where is the nearest supermarket from here? 什么时候商店开始营业?? What time do stores open 你有其他风格的吗? Do you have any other style? 在这有什么特别的吗?? Do you have something special in this area? 我想看看这个 ? I’d like to see this 你们接受旅行支票吗?   Do you accept traveler’s checks? 你有什么建议? What would you recommend? 我能买它免税吗? Can I buy it tax-free? 我可以试穿吗?   Can I try this on? 换衣间在哪? Where is the fitting room? 你能送回在中国的这个地址吗? Could you send it to my address in China? 这就是我的号  This is just my size. 太贵啦 It’s too expensive for me 能给我看看另一件吗? Could you show me another one? 你有别的款式吗?   Do you have another design? 这不是我要找的? This is not what I’m looking for 我能得到些折扣吗? Can I get a little discount? 我要3个这样的 I’d like three same as this. 是不是帐单有错误  Is there a mistake in this bill?


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