九年级英语the phantom of the opera课件.ppt

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1.He was jealous of their love. Jealous: feel angry and unhappy because you wish you had what someone else had. She is jealous of my success. If you envy someone, you wish that you had the same things or qualities that they have. I dont envy the young ones whove become TV superstars Paragraph 4 2.He kidnapped her from the stage, in front of the whole audience. 他在众目睽睽之下绑架了她。 Kidnap: take someone away illegally in front of : before 3.He took her down to his secret home on the lake. down: directly, without hesitation Paragraph 5 1.? pull off: take off/ take away He pulled off his socks and put on his slippers. 2.? At first she was shocked at his face with yellow eyes and no nose,--- shocked: feeling surprised and unpleasant as a result of something bad happening =She was surprised to see his face. =His appearance was shocking. 3. She understood how lonely his life was. 她理解了他的生活曾经是多么的孤独。 ★ 词义辨析alone lonely (1) alone 可以作形容词和副词。作形容词时,在句中充当表语,后置定语或补足语,不可以作前置定语。lonely只能作形容词。 (2) alone指客观状况,意为“单独的(地)”;lonely描述一种内心感受,意为“孤独的”,修饰某地方时意为“偏僻的,荒凉的”。 ① Peter went to school alone, but he didn’t feel lonely.彼得一个人去上学,但他并不感到孤独。 ② She lives alone in a remote village. 她一个人生活在一个偏僻的村子里。 ③ After all the guests had gone away, I was alone. 等到所有的客人都走了之后,我只有独自一人了。 Paragraph 6 1.? No woman had ever touched the Phantom before . =Christine was the first wonan who touched him. Touch :put your hand onto someone or something Don’t touch any items on display in the museum. 2.? cry with joy: cry joyfully/ happily Joy: a feeling of great happiness To his joy, he got the chance to go abroad. 3.? He released Raoul. He set Raoul free. He freed Raoul. 4.? take sb to safety: take sb to a safe place 5.? burst in: =burst into the house =rush into the house suddenly The chief burst in when she was not home. burst into tears burst out doing: burst out laughing Answers : C1: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.c C2: 1.kidnapped 2.burst 3.prison 4. joy C3: 1d 2c 3e 4a 5b D1: a-p6 b-p3


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