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课堂互动反馈技术的分类、比较及应用 以上海交通大学为例 召E晶晶何晴郝大魁 上海交通大学教育技术中心 摘要: 文章首先回顾了课堂互动反馈技术的发展状况,对基于无线射频技术的课堂互 动答题器和基于网络数据传输技术的课堂互动答题器进行了比较,认为使用基 于网络的移动终端工具进行互动反馈将成为今后支持课堂互动教学的重要方式。 随后,文章以上海交通大学为例,介绍了课堂互动反馈技术的应用情况,并分 析了其取得的教学效果。最后,文章针对课堂互动反馈技术在实践应用中存在的 问题,提出了相应的改进建议,以期推动课堂互动反馈技术的进一步优化,为 师生更好地进行课堂互动提供技术帮助和有益参考。 关键词: 课堂互动反馈技术;无线射频技术;网络数据传输技术; 作者简介:邵晶晶,工程师,硕士,研究方向为信息化教学技术应用,邮箱为 shaojj@sjtu. cdu. cn。 收稿日期:2017年1月4日 The Classification, Comparison and Application of Classroom Interactive Feedback Technology Taking Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an Example SHAO Jing-jing HE Qing HAO Da-kui Educational Technology Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Abstract: This paper first reviewed the development of classroom interactive feedback technology and further compared the classroom interactive answer machines based on the radio frequency technology and that based on the network data transmission technology. The resuIt pointed out that using the mobile tc rminal tools based on net work for interdtetive feedback will become an important way to support classroom interactive teaching. Then, this paper introduced the application situation of the classroom in teractive feedback t echnology in Shanghai Jiao Tong Univers ity and the achieved teaching effect. Finally, the problems in the practical application of the classrrom interactivc feedback were amalyzed and some suggestions for further improvement were put forwaixl. These resuIts of this paper could promote the optimization of the classrrom interactive feedback technology and provide technical assistanee and beneficial referenee for the better classroom interaction. Keyword: classroom interactive feedback technology; radio frequency technology; network chtn trnnsniission technology; Received: 2017 年 1 月 4 日 一课堂互动反馈技术的发展状况 课堂互动反馈技术是协助师牛互动的一种教学技术支持手段111,主要用于课堂 教学。当教师在课堂抛出问题与学生互动时,学生使用课堂互动答题器即时进行 互动,互动的数据可以实时呈现给师生查看宜。通过该技术,不仅可以活跃课 堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,而且可以实时查看反馈结果固。根据反馈结果, 教师可以及时诊断自己的教学效果,学生可以实时检阅自身的学习掌握情况, 从而提高教与学的质量[4]。 课堂互动反馈技术最早起源于欧美。1998年,哈佛大学将基于互动反馈


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