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GKFX 風險警告條款 GKFX Financial Services Ltd Bevis Marks T :+44(0) 2071861212 www.gkfx.tw 受 FCA 授權及監管 。FCA 監管號 :501320 。 House, 24 Bevis Marks, London EC3A 7JB F :+44(0) 2071861251 support_tw@ 註冊號 :6837942 。 Risk Warning 風險警告 (a) Foreign Exchange and Contracts for Difference with GKFX are both margin traded products. Therefore they inherently carry a high level of risk compared to other investments, and as such you could rapidly lose more than your initial deposit. They are all legally enforceable under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. GKFX 金融服務有限公司提供的外匯和差價合約都是屬於保證金交易。所以相對於其他的投資方式, 該產品具有高風險並且可能會導致您的損失超過您的初始投資金額。所有條款均依據 2000 年金融服 務和市場條例實施執行。 (b) Margined trades are trades on the price movement of a product. They settle based on the difference between the opening price and the closing price of the trade. 保證金交易是通過商品的價格波動進行交易,利用交易的開市價和收市價之間額度差額進行結算。 (c) You should not trade any margined product unless you fully understand all the risks involved with doing so and that you have sufficient resources available to you that in the event, however unlikely you may deem it to be, that there is an adverse movement in the price of that product that you can meet the financial obligations required by you with respect to margin payments and losses. 除非您完全瞭解所有潜在的風險以及擁有足够的資源,否則您不應該進行任何保證金交易。因為市場 可能並非像您所認為的那樣變化,一旦逆向移動,您將要承擔相關保證金的支付和交易帶來的損失。 (d) Margin trading is leveraged trading that allows ‘gearing’ which means that you can place a large trade by only putting up a small amount of money as margin. If the price moves in your favour you can greatly increase your profits. However even a small movement in price against you can lead to substantial losses and you may be required to deposit additional margin with us immediately to keep these trades open. You are liable for this and for any losses that may occur if your po


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