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全球史研究英文論著目錄(論文篇) 蔣竹山編(台灣/東華大學歷史系副教授) 2013/6/26 Abulafia, David. Mediterranean History as Global History, History and Theory. 50:2(May 2011), pp.220-228. Akita, Shieuru? “World Histoiy and the Emergence of Global History in Japan, Chinese Studies in History, 43:3(Spring 2010), pp84-96. Andrade,Tonio. A Chinese Farmer, Two African Boys, and a Warlord: Toward a Global Microhistory,Journal of World Histoty, 21:4(Dec 2010), pp. 573-591. Andrade,Tonio. Beyond Guns, Germs, and Steel: European Expansion and Maritime Asia, 1400-1750, Journal of Early Modern History 14(2010), pp.165-186. Barlow, Tani E. History and the Border/9 Journal of Womens History、18:2(summer 2006), pp. 8-32. Beinart, William. Beyond the Colonial Paradigm: African History and Environmental History in Large-Scale Perspective;5 pp. 211-227. Bennett, Brett A Global History of Australian Trees/ Journal of the Histoty of Biology, 44:1 (Feb 2011), pp!25-145. Berg, Maxine In Pursuit of Luxury: Global History and British Consumer Goods in the Eighteenth Century,^ Past and Present. 182(February 2004), pp.85-142. Berger, Stefan. Introduction: Towards a Global History of National Historiographies, In Stefan Berger, edited? Writing the Nation. A Global Perspective,, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp.1-29. Betterly, Jack. Teaching Global History: Context, Not Chronicle: Passion, Not Pedantry/5 The Histoty Teacher, 33:2(Feb 2000), pp. 213-219. Boal, lain A. Global Talk: the Cartographic Logic of Late Capitalism, History Workshop Journal Issue. 64(2007), pp.341-346? Bonner, Philp? Jonathan Hyslop and Lucien van der Walt, Rethinking Worlds of Labor: Southern African Labour History in International Context, African Studies, 66: 2-3(August-Dcccmbcr 2007), pp. 137-168. Bose, Prasenjit. “ New Imperialism? On Globalization and Nation-States^ Historical Materialism. 15 (2007), pp. 95-120. Boydston, Jeanne. Gender as a Question of Historical Analysis/9 Gender History. 20:3(Nov 2008), pp. 558-583. Brook, Timothy. Tim


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