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Double Ninth Festival Chong Yang. Yang means masculine and positive; The number nine is regarded as yang The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day So the lunar calendar on September 9 is the traditional Double Ninth Festival ?Origin The Double Ninth Festival began as early as the Warring States time. In the Tang Dynasty, The Double Ninth Festival has been decided as an official folk holiday.hereafter ,it follows until now. 相传在东汉时期,有一瘟魔,它的出现会使家人病丧,让百姓受尽了蹂躏。桓景一家也是受害者之一,桓景于是决心拜师为民除害,经过万般努力,练就了一身非凡武艺。在九月九日瘟魔出来作恶的那天,其仙长送他一包茱萸叶,一盅菊花酒,并且密授辟邪用法,让他骑着仙鹤赶回家去除魔。中午时分,瘟魔冲出汝河,由于闻到茱萸奇香和菊花酒气,脸色突变,便戛然止步,此时,桓景手持降妖宝剑把温魔刺死剑下。由此,在九月初九登高避疫的风俗被流传下来成为风俗,把重阳节登高的风俗看作是免灾避祸的活动。 One of most important customs on Double Ninth Festival is climbing. Therefore the Double Ninth Festival “the climb up festival”. Number nine is the largest number, with the meaning of longevity. The Double Ninth Festival is called as “Old People Festival “. Certainly, people climbing mountain is not only climbing, but also watching the red leaves and the wild flowers, drinking wine and eating the meat. This makes hiking and picnic together. 登高 杜甫 风急天高猿啸哀, 渚清沙白鸟飞回。 无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来。 万里悲秋常作客, 百年多病独登台。 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓, 潦倒新停浊酒杯。 九日登高 【唐】刘禹锡 世路山河险,君门烟雾深。 年年上高处,未省不伤心。 九日登巴台 【唐】白居易 黍香酒初熟,菊暖花未开。 闲听竹枝曲,浅酌茱萸杯。 去年重阳日,漂泊湓城隈。 今岁重阳日,萧条巴子台。 旅鬓寻已白,乡书久不来。 临觞一搔首,座客亦徘徊。 The chrysanthemum has the meaning of the longevity, and enjoying the chrysanthemum is an important part of Double Ninth Festival, therefore, Double Ninth Festival is called as “Chrysanthemum Festival”. The featured drink on The Double Ninth Festival is chrysanthemum wine. The chrysanthemum wine is regarded as necessary drink in the ancient times at the festival. It is said ,it can dispel the disaster. The featured food on The Double Ninth Festival is the double-ninth cake. In the north, it is more popular than the south. The double ninth festival has the custom of wearing zhuyu, therefore it is called “the zhuyu festival”. The zhuyu is t


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