
(外文电子版资料)Koontz, Dean - Sole Survivor.doc

(外文电子版资料)Koontz, Dean - Sole Survivor.doc

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This e-book was scanned by -=BuDDy[uk]=- anexperience This e-book was Proofed by -=BuDDy[uk]=- anexperience Releases: Dean Koontz – Demon Seed Clive Barker – Books Of Blood Vol 2 Dean Koontz - Ticktock Dean Koontz – Sole Survivor Next Release: Clive Barker – Books Of Blood Vol 1 Author: Dean Koontz Title: SOLE SURVIVOR Original copyright year:1997 Version: 1.0 Date of e-text: 07/12/00 ISBN 0 7472 1756 4 (Hardback) ISBN 0 7472 7705 2 (Paperback) Comments: Please correct the errors you find in this e-text, update the version number and redistribute Dean Koontz – SOLE SURVIVOR I used Hardback copy of Dean Koontz – SOLE SURVIVOR (Still Intact) A heavy book PC Black Widow 4830pro flatbed scanner Textbridge Pro V9.0 Word 2000 Hope you enjoy this book START Dean Koontz SOLE SURVIVOR Also by Dean Koontz from Headline Feature TICKTOCK INTENSITY STRANGE HIGHWAYS DARK RIVERS OF THE HEART MR MURDER DRAGON TEARS HIDEAWAY COLD FIRE THE BAD PLACE MIDNIGHT LIGHTNING WATCHERS ICEBOUND WINTER MOON THE FUNHOUSE THE FACE OF FEAR THE MASK SHADOWFIRES THE EYES OF DARKNESS THE SERVANTS OF TWILIGHT THE DOOR TO DECEMBER THE KEY TO MIDNIGHT THE HOUSE OF THUNDER PHANTOMS WHISPERS SHATTERED CHASE TWILIGHT EYES THE VOICE OF THE NIGHT STRANGERS DARKNESS COMES THE VISION NIGHT CHILLS DEDICATION To the memory of Ray Mock, my uncle, who long ago moved on to a better world. In my childhood, when I was troubled and despairing, your decency and kindness and good humour taught me everything I ever needed to know about what a man should be. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The real Barbara Christman won a prize: the use of her name in this novel. Considering that she was one of a hundred booksellers involved in the lottery, I am surprised by the way in which her name resonates in this particular story. She was expecting to be portrayed as a psychotic killer; instead, she will have to settle for being a quiet heroine. Sorry, Barbara. The sky is deep, the sky is dark. The light of stars is so damn stark. When I lo



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