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Greek Mythology 希腊神话 PART1:The Olympian Gods and other Deities PART2:Heroes PART3:Monsters PART1:The Olympian Gods and other Deities 1、the Tians 2、the Gods 3、other Deities The Tians(十二泰坦) Cronus(克罗诺斯) : 天空之神。 Rhea(瑞亚) : 时光女神。 Oceanus(俄刻阿诺斯) : 水之神。 Tethys(泰西斯) : 沧海女神。俄刻阿诺斯之妻。 Crius(克瑞斯) : 生长之神。 Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯) : 灵魂之神 。阿忒拉斯、普罗米修斯、 厄庇米修斯和墨诺提俄斯之父。 Phoebe(福柏) : 月之女神。月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母。 Coeus (科俄斯) : 智力之神。 Themis (忒弥斯) : 秩序和正义女神。宙斯第二位妻子,时序三女神母。 Mnemosyne(谟涅摩叙涅) : 记忆之神。宙斯第五位妻子,九缪斯之母。 Hyperion(许配利翁) : 光之神 Thea(忒亚) : 许配利翁之妻。 The Gods(十二主神) Zeus(宙斯)---the god of the sky. Hera(赫拉)---the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Poseidon(波塞冬)---the god of the sea, protector. Hades(哈迪斯)---the god the dead and wealth. Hestia(赫斯提亚)---the goddess of the Hearth(灶台). Ares(阿瑞斯)---the god of war. Hermes(赫尔墨斯)---the god of thieves and commerce. Hephaestus(赫斯菲托斯)---the god of fire and the forge(熔炉). Apollo(阿波罗)---the god of light. Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯)---the goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural environment. Athena(雅典娜)---the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Aphrodite(阿弗洛狄德)---the goddess of love, desire and beauty. King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympiangods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt. His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak . Ares: All that you have, is dead! 阿瑞斯:“你所拥有的,只有死亡!” Prometheus(普罗米修斯) Creator of mankind. 人类的创造者 Man’s protector and benefactor. 人类的保护者和拯救者。 He shaped man out of mud. 他用泥捏成人形,创造了人类。 He stole fire for mankind ,with the result that he was punished form Zeus. He was chained to Mount Caucasus, and every morning an eagle would appeared and ate his liver, which grow back at night. 他为人类偷了圣火,所以被宙斯惩罚。他被绑在高加索山,每天早晨都会有鹰来吃他的肝脏,肝脏会在晚上又长出来。 PART2: Heroes Greek heroes were almost as important as the gods in Greek mytho


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