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第 22 卷  第 3 期 环  境  科  学  研  究 Vol . 22 ,No . 3 2009 年 3 月 Research of Environmental Sciences Mar . ,2009 中国机动车行驶里程分布规律 林秀丽 , 汤大钢 , 丁  焰 , 尹  航 , 吉    中国环境科学研究院 机动车排污监控中心 ,北京  100012 ( 摘要 : 机动车行驶里程是计算机动车尾气排放量的一个重要参数. 对全国数百个地级及以上城市不同车龄的机动车 包括轻 ) 型客车 、公交车 、出租车和摩托车 行驶里程进行了调查. 结果表明:除公交车外 ,其他机动车的累积行驶里程均随车龄而呈现 对数递减性 ,即车龄越长机动车的累积行驶里程增加越慢 ,年使用率越小 ; 某类型机动车车队的年均行驶里程与调查基准年 的各车龄机动车的保有量相关 ; 提出了轻型客车年行驶里程和车龄的经验公式 ,并得到 2007 年轻型客车的年均行驶里程为 4 2691 ×10 km. 关键词 : 机动车 ; 行驶里程 ; 样本调查 ; 车龄 ; 经验公式 ( ) 中图分类号 : X51    文献标志码 : A    文章编号 : 1001 - 6929 2009 03 - 0377 - 04 Study on the Di stribution of Vehicle Mile a ge Travele d in China L IN Xiuli , TAN G Dagang , DIN G Yan , YIN Hang , J I Zhe Vehicle Emission Control Center ,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences ,Beijing  100012 ,China Abstract : Vehicle mileage traveled is an important parameter in exhaust emission calculation . Sample vehicles of different ages and types , including light duty passager vehicles , buses ,taxis and motorcycles were investigated in the cities of China to get the distribution of vehicle mileage . The results indicated that ,for all vehicles except buses ,the accumulated vehicle mileage traveled may be modeled by a logarithmic function of the age ,meaning that the increase of vehicle mileage and usage decreased with age . The average annual vehicle mileage is a function of mileage traveled and number of privately owned vehicles. An empirical formula of vehicle annual mileage and age was introduced ,and in 2007 ,the annual average mileage travel



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