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2.1.9 Begin a sentence with “an adjective ” 不管困难是大是小,都会被解决 Big or small,the obstacle must be overcome 因为缺少工作经验,他没有得到这份工作 Short of work experience ,he failed to get the job. 2.1.10 Begin a sentence with “ a conjunction + an adjective ”? 如果找不到工作,我宁可呆在家里 If unable to find a good job, I prefer to stay at home. 如果不确定接下来做什么,那就问你的上司 If uncertain about what to do next,you should turn to your superior. 2.2 绚丽技术 2.2.1 排比句(平行结构) 2.2.2 双重否定 2.2.3 插入语 2.2.1 排比句(平行结构) Parallelism If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift: Thats why we call it —the Present. 如果想成长,我们应该学习过去,体验当下,并期待未来的成功 To grow up,We should learn from the past , experience the present , and hope for success in the future. 人生的三大支柱:观察、经历、学习 Seeing much, suffering much , and studying much are the three pillars of life. 提高成绩的三大法宝:课堂上高效地做笔记、订立学习计划、为考试做仔细的准备 The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and to prepare carefully for exams. 有三种方式可以赚钱:你可以继承财产,你可以嫁入豪门,你也可以窃取财物 There are three ways to make money: You can inherit it. You can marry it . You can steal it. A teacher is like a candle who burns herself to light the future of her students; a teacher is like the sun who warms the hearts of her students; a teacher is like the mother who gives all live to her students. 2.2.2 双重否定 It is not impossible to master English within a short period of time if you use a good study method. 听录音 跟着读 大声模仿 脱口背诵 某人做……不足为奇. It is not unusual for sb. to do... It is not unusual for people to change careers. …很常见 一个伟大的学者对日常事务一无所知,这种情况很常见 It is not uncommon for a great scholar to be ignorant of everyday affairs. 他能够独自做这件事 He was able to do the job by himself. He was no


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