课件:医学英语疾病介绍——Breast Cancer(乳腺癌).ppt

课件:医学英语疾病介绍——Breast Cancer(乳腺癌).ppt

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课件:医学英语疾病介绍——Breast Cancer(乳腺癌).ppt

Targeted Drugs(靶向药物治疗) for Breast Cancer Targeted therapies(靶向药物疗法) are newer drugs(新药) that target specific properties within cancer cells(具有攻击癌细胞的特性). For example, women with HER2-positive breast cancer have too much of a protein called HER2(举例来说,一个HER2-阳性乳腺癌妇女体内有过多的HER2蛋白). Targeted therapies can stop this protein from promoting the growth of cancer cells(靶向药物可以阻断这些蛋白促进癌细胞生长的作用). These drugs are often used in combination([k?mb?‘ne??(?)n]) with chemotherapy(这些药物 经常与化疗结合使用). They tend to have milder([ma?ld]) side effects compared to chemotherapy.(相对化疗来说 副作用较小) Treatment — Additional Treatments There‘s no doubt that cancer is a life-changing experience. The treatments can wear you out(使你精疲力尽). You may have trouble managing daily chores([t???])(日常家庭杂务), work(工作), or social outings(社交). This can lead to feelings of isolation(这可能会导致让你觉得自己被孤立了). It’s crucial to reach out to friends and family for support(因而多接触朋友、获得家人的支持是至关重要的). They may be able to go with you to treatments, help out with chores, or just remind you that you are not alone. Many people choose to join a support group (许多患者会选择参加一个互助 小组) -- either locally or online



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