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PAGE 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 13 页 关注法律翻译中的“重神似”! 1 .关于“国家有关规定”的译法: 进行法律文件的 中译英时 ,我们常常遇到这样的词语:“应当符合国家有关规定”、“依照国家有关税收的规定”、“ 依照国家外汇管理规定”等等中“国家有关规定”,如按字面“形”的含义译出,译成“ the relevant state provisions ”或“ the relevant provisions of the state ”显然不正确,没有把深层含义译出。按照牛津高阶英汉双解词典的定义, provision 〔 C 〕意为 condition or stipulation in a legal document ,比如:“根据协议的规定”可译成:“ under the provisions of the agreement ”。上面“国家有关规定” 译成“ the relevant state provisions ”,把国家与法律文件( a legal document )等同起来显然不妥。那么,“国家有关规定”应怎么理解才能使译文符合原文的含义?首先,我们应清楚,“国家法规”应包括两大部分,即由全国人民代表大会发布的法律 (laws) 和由国务院及国务院有关部门发布的行政法规 (regulations) 。故“国家有关规定”一般应理解为“国家颁发的有关法律、法规的规定”,译成 : “ the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations issued by the state ”。然而,“国家有关规定”已成了“国家有关部门的规定”的习惯用语,因此,应译成:“ the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the state ”。这样就把“国家有关规定”的“神似”的含义译出来了。 例1: 原文:公司名称应符合国家有关规定。 原译文: A company’s name shall be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the State. Notes: 按上面的“重神似”的原则,原文“国家有关规定”应译成:the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State。 参考译文: A company ’ s name shall be in conformity withthe provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State.。 例2: 原文:“外资企业依照国家有关税收的规定纳税并可以享受减税、免税的优惠待遇。” 原译文:“ Enterprises with foreign capital shall pay taxes in accordance with relevant state provisions for tax payment, and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes.” Notes: 除上面提及的“国家有关规定”译法外,句子的结构也应调整。 参考译文: Enterprises with foreign capital shall ,in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State on tax payment, pay taxes and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes. 例3: 原文:“外国公司在中华人民共和国境内设立的分支机构的登记,按照国务院的有关规定办理。” 原译文:“ The registration of a branch as subsidiary set up by a foreign company within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.” Notes: 1 ) 公司的分支机构有两类,一是分公司( branch ),二是子公司 (subsidiary) ,原文中的“分支机构”是泛


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