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临床兽医学专业英语 Specialized English in Clinical Veterinary Medicine 授课教师:唐兆新教授 授课时间:2006年9月-2007年1月 Lesson 7 Renal function and micturition In the kidneys,a fluid that resembles plasma is filtered through the glomerular capillaries into the renal tubules (glomerular filtration). As this glomerular filtrate passes down the tuhules, its volume is reduced and its composition altered by the processes of tubular reabsorption (removal of water and solutes from the tubular fluid ) to form the urine that enters the renal pelvis. A comparison of the composition of the plasma and an average urine specimen illustrates the magnitude of some of these changes and emphasizes the manner in which wastes are eliminated while water and important electrolytes and metabolites are conserved. Lesson 7 Renal function and micturition Furthermore, the composition of the urine can be varied, and many homeostatic regulatory mechanisms minimize or prevent changes in the composition of the ECF by changing the amount of water and various specific solutes in the urine. From the renal pelvis, the urine passes to the bladder and is expelled and is expelled to the exterior by the process of urination, or micturition. The kidneys make prostaglandins and kinins, and they are also endocrine organs, secreting renin and renal erythropoietic factor and forming 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Part I How to Make Use of the Linguistic Features of Scientific Papers Vocabulary---basic elements Typically professionalized terms--- Specifically concentrated meaning--- Absorb----take in Observe---look at Effective verbs indicate show illustrate demonstrate review report outline describe verify prove confirm define determine enumerate compare investigate develop conclude Highly proportional Latin and Greek words Analysis micro- Stimulus hydro- Focus auto- Formula


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