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PAGE PAGE 1 全国成人高考英语考试精讲辅导 Unit One: 语音 要求:熟悉字母,字母组合的读音,注意特殊的读音,名词复数-s 的不同的读音、动词词尾-ed 的不同读音。 例如: 1. A) century B) citizen C) percent D) ancient (D) 2. A) honest B) handsome C) however D) harmful (A) 3. A) hear B) heart C) fear D) clear (B) 4. A) character B) technical C) machine D) chemical (C) 5. A) dollars B) students C) vegetables D) witnesses (B) 6. A) received B) ignored C) wondered D) impressed (D) Unit Two: 名词 可数名词与不可数名词区分 实例: 1. The nurse added some sugars to the medicine to make it easy for the child to take. 2. The sitting room would be much improved if you put a furniture in that corner. 3. ”Have you heard the news about Tom ?” “No, what ____?” (本句考代词 the news 不可数名词,用it ) A) was it B) were they C) are they D) is it (D) 4. Jim was upset last night because he had to too many homeworks. (本句改为much homework) 5. I am afraid that there isn’t ______ left for you two in my car. There are already five people in it. (当room 为“空间” 是不可数名词) A) many room B) any rooms C) any room D) many rooms (C) 注:time 时间(不可数);倍数,次数(可数);paper 纸(不可数)、论文、卷子(可数) 名词做主语时的主谓一致 实例: 1.The number of the people applying for the job ____ increasing. A) are B) is C) are being D) is being (B) 2.A number of students have failed in the chemistry examination. 分数、百分数做主语由后面的名词来决定 3.Two thirds of the area are covered by water. ( 改为 is covered ) 4.About 40% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. 非谓语动词和词句做主语用动词单形 5.Reading English newspapers ____ a good way of _____ your English. A) is…improve B) are…improving C) is…improving D) are…improve (C) 6.What we will do next is still under discussion. 表示时间、距离、价值的复数名词做主语用单形动词 7.Three times seven is twenty-one. 8.Ten days ____ long enough for Mr. Carter to finish his design. He doesn’t need any more. A) is B) has been C) was D) had been


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