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Long long ago there lived an old carpenter. His name was Mastro Antonio. But everyone called him Mastro Cherry. That was because his nose was just like a ripe cherry. One day, the old man found a piece of wood in his shop. He decided to use it to make the leg of a table. Before he began to cut the wood, he heard a little voice: “Please be careful! Do not hit me so hard!” He was frightened by the voice. He looked inside the room but saw no one. carpenter木匠 cherry 樱桃 ripe 熟的 1 木偶奇遇记 2 很久很久以前,有个老木匠,名字叫 马斯特奥·安东尼奥,可大家都叫他“樱 桃马斯特奥”,因为他的鼻子长得像一只 熟透了的樱桃。有一天,老人在他的店里 发现了一块 木头,他琢磨着 用它来做 桌腿。他举 起斧子 正要砍下 去,突 然听到一个 细微的声 音在说: “请您 小心点! 可别把 我砍得太重 了!”他被这声音吓了一大跳,可朝四下 看看,什么人也没有。 He struck a blow upon the piece of wood. The little voice cried: “Oh, oh! You hurt me!” Mastro Cherry was scared half to death. But still there was no one in the room. So he sang a song to gain courage and began to work again. This time the same tiny voice spoke: “Stop it! Oh, stop it! Ha, ha, ha! You tickle my stomach.” This time the poor old man fell to the ground and lost his sense. scare 害怕、惊吓 courage 勇气 tickle 胳肢 stomach 胃 3 木偶奇遇记 4


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