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29 3 Vo l. 29 No . 3 2008 6 Chinese Internal Combu stion Eng ine Eng ineering Jun . 200 8 : 1000- 0925 2008) 03- 006- 06 290038 , , , , , 200030) Research on he Con rol S ra egy of Fuel Injec ion Sys em wi h Elec ronic Uni Pump YANG Shiwei, WU Changshui, MAO Xiaojian, YANG Lin, ZHUO Bin School of M echanical Eng ineer ing, Shanghai J iaot ong Universit y, Shanghai 200030 , China) Abs rac : Elect ronic unit pum p originates fr om elect ro nic pump inject or system. Since an addit ional hig h pressure f uel pipe is added bet w een t he unit pum p and t he inject or , t he period fro m inject ion pulse sig nal sent by ECU t o t he beginning of fuel injection increases. In consider at ion of t he ef f ect of co mput ation period of co nt ro l str at egy, response speed of solenoid valv e and hydraulic delay o n inject ion t iming , t he phase r ela t ion betw een cam and crank signal panel and engine cylinder, as w ell as t he measur e of cy linder det ect io n w ere determined, and then t he injectio n t iming cont rol st rateg y w as determ ined. T he exper im ent s show t hat the ECU can accurately and f lexibly cont rol inject ion t iming and injected f uel amount according t o t he injec t ion t iming cont rol st rat eg y. Af t er t he o pt imizat io n o f inject ion tim ing map, t he EUP diesel engine can r each the EuroIII emission st andard under t he European stat ionar y cycle ESC) w it hout sig nif icant r educt io n o f pow er perf ormance. : 电控单体泵由电控泵喷嘴发展而来, 由于在电控泵与喷油器之间加入了高压油管, 使电控单元从发出喷油信号 燃油喷入气缸的时间延迟加长针对该特点, 考虑程序计算时 间电磁阀响应特性等因素对喷油正时的影响, 设计


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