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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 一种汽车尾气净化器的研究 田甜 郭育新 吴松创 崔敏 范文成 徐航 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 广东 广州 510800 摘要:汽车的节能减排研究有非常重要的现实意义。针对汽车尾气中颗粒和排放污染空气的问题,设计了一种分离尾气颗粒、过滤有害气体的净化器。利用气固两相流的理论分析了尾气颗粒净化原理。通过颗粒受力分析,建立颗粒的动量方程,选择正确的过滤材料,并通过对比试验,选择了合适的叶轮、电机等制作了尾气颗粒净化器,搭建柴油机尾气检测系统。试验数据表明,设计出的尾气净化器在短时间试验过程中是可以起到净化尾气的作用,在1200r/min的转速下,烟度值变化最大达到1.65FSN,且净化效果良好.在低速运转的时候,效果更佳。 关键词:尾气颗粒;离心力;分离;壁流式蜂窝陶瓷;净化器 中图分类号:TH117 文献标识码:A The study of The motor vehicle Exhaust Particulate Purifier Tian Tian Guo Yuxin Wu Songchuang Cui Min Fan Wencheng Xu Hang Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology, GuangZhou Guangdong 510800 China Abstract:The research of energy conservation and emission reduction of diesel engines is of practical significance. This research mainly designs a diesel particulate filter in order to reduce the diesel particulate emissions what pollutes the air. The HYPERLINK app:ds:theoretical \t theoretical HYPERLINK app:ds:basis \t basis is based on analyzing the purification of the exhaust particles through using the gas-solid flow theory. By means of particle force analysis, this research is conducted from establishing particle momentum equation and doing comparison test. After selecting suitable impeller and electrical machine, the diesel particulate filter was produced. What’s more, a diesel exhaust gas detection system was set up in order to test the diesel particulate filter. As it is proved in the test results, the diesel engine exhaust particulate purifier has a positive effect in reducing the diesel particulate emission especially in the short time test. The smoke intensity emission is reduced, 1.65 FSN(Filter Smoke Number) at most, in addition, there is a good purification effect. It is better to operate the diesel particulate filter in low speed in order to acquire good results. Key words: Diesel Engine; Exhaust particles; Centrifugal force; Separation; Purifier 一、引言 汽车


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