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1.How many Olympic sports do you know? swimming sidestroke track and field fencing pole jump Sorftball weightlifting 2.Do you know the history of the Olympic games? The?Olympic Games?began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece. The Games were part of a religious festival.The Greek Olympics, thought to have begun in 776 BC, inspired the modern Olympic Games .The Games were held in honour of Zeus(宙斯), king of the gods.People from all over the Greek world came to watch and take part. Winter Olympic games winter sports How to became a good volunteer? Winter sports Biathlon (冬季两项) Bobsleigh (雪橇) Bobsleigh Skeleton (有舵雪橇骨架) Winter Olympic games winter sports How to became a good volunteer? Curling (冰壶) History: Curling has been an official sport in the?Winter Olympic Games?since the?1998 Winter Olympics. Gameplay : Two teams, each with four players, take turns sliding heavy.Each team has eight stones. The purpose of the game is to score points by getting stones closer to the house center. than the other teams stones. Equipment: Curling stone:The curling stone or rock is made of granite Curling broom:The curling broom is used to sweep the ice surface in the path of the stone, (see sweeping), and is also often used as a balancing aid during delivery of the stone. Ice Hockey (冰球) Skating Figure skating (花样溜冰) History: It was the first winter sport that is included in the Olympics, in 1908. Olympic disciplines: Singles competition for men and women ,skaters perform jumps, spins, step sequences, spirals, and so on. Pair skating teams consist of a woman and a man. throw jumps(抛跳) pair spins(校对跳旋) Ice dancing is again for couples consisting of a woman and a man skating together. Speed Skating(速度滑冰) Speed skating is a competitive form of ice skating in which the competitors race each other in travelling a certain distance on skates. Types of speed skating are long track speed skating, short track spe


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