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英文名著3000 本
History of the Impeachment of
Andrew Johnson, President of the
United States
by Edmund G. Ross
英文名著3000 本
Little is now known to the general public of the history of
the attempt to remove President Andrew Johnson in 1868,
on his impeachment by the House of Representatives and
trial by the Senate for alleged high crimes and
misdemeanors in office, or of the causes that led to it. Yet
it was one of the most important and critical events,
involving possibly the gravest consequences,in the entire
history of the country.
The constitutional power to impeach and remove the
President had lain dormant since the organization of the
Government, and apparently had never been thought of as
a means for the satisfaction of political enmities or for the
punishment of alleged executive misdemeanors, even in
the many heated controversies between the President and
Congress that had theretofore arisen. Nor would any
英文名著3000 本
attempt at impeachment have been made at that time but
for the great numerical disparity then existing between the
respective representatives in Congress of the two political
parties of the country.
One-half the members of that Congress, both House and
Senate, are now dead, and with them have also gone
substantially the same proportion of the people at large,
but many of the actors therein who have passed away,
lived long enough to see, and were candid enough to
admit, that the failure of the impeachment had brought no
harm to t
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