九年级英语上册 Unit Star signs特色专项训练(主题阅读+综合能力)(含解析) 牛津版.docVIP

九年级英语上册 Unit Star signs特色专项训练(主题阅读+综合能力)(含解析) 牛津版.doc

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Unit 1 Star signs特色专项训练 主题阅读训练 一. 完形填空 People ___1___ under different star signs have different ways of ___2___ sorry. Aries: Arians think they are lovely and gentle and it is __ 3___ for them to do the wrong things and they will never hurt ___4____. So they will only say a ___5___ sorry for their mistakes. Gemini: Geminis think they will never make a mistake and they are right forever. So they will never really apologize for __6____. But when they know it, they would rather do __7__. Leo: Leos are a group of pleasant people. When they are trying to apologize, they will buy flowers, put up sorry posters and so on. It is ___8___. Virgo: Virgos will first formally set aside (留出) a time and date. Then they will get ready to ___9___ their mistakes. At last, they will ___10___ a formal article and read it out. Sometimes their true apologies ___11___ good articles. Scorpio: Scorpios are formal and think that making ___12___ apology is more formal. So instead of just saying sorry, they will send a formal mail or send a card. Sagittarius: Sagittarians don’t believe in apologizing. For them, it is ___13___ to make a mistake and saying sorry is just ___14____. Interestingly, even if others make mistakes, they are very cool and will not ___15___ the apologies from others. ( )1. A. boreB. was bornC. bornD. were born ( )2. A. saying B. saysC. saidD. say ( )3. A. necessaryB. importantC. unableD. impossible ( )4. A. the otherB. othersC. otherD. another ( )5. A. hardB. simpleC. goodD. possible ( )6. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything ( )7. A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing ( )8. A. greatB. funC. excitingD. amazing ( )9. A. talk aboutB. say aboutC. tellD. speak ( )10. A .makeB. doC. writeD. send ( )11. A. likeB. likesC. sound likeD. sound ( )12. A. aB. theC. anD. / ( )13. A. rightB. naturalC. trueD. easy ( )14. A. unnecessaryB. uselessC. wrongD. shame ( )15. A. wait forB. stand forC. care forD. search for 二. 阅读理解 A The size and shape of y


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