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电技术的发展 DevelopmentofElectricTechnologyfor HighSpeedTrain ;1 .高速铁路网的跨越式发展 催生了高速列车技术的跨越式发展 (The Leap-forward development of high-speed railway lines leads to the leap-forward development of high-speed train technologies) 高速铁路是现代文明社会的一个梦, 地球上不少地方已圆了这个梦, 中国也是的! (High-speed railway is a dream of modern civilized society, which has come true in many countries. So has in China!) ; ;高速铁路客运网 (High-speed Passenger Line) — “四纵四横”骨架与客运专线 ( - Four Longitudinal Lines Four Lateral Lines and the Dedicated Passenger Line :Framework);2. 梦幻列车驰骋神州 (Trains, with your dreams, run over mainland China); “和谐”号(CRH)高速列车 CRH High-speed Train (Train of Harmony) 制造过程中十余个省、 一百余个企业 对约145个???系统、 1.2万个零部件的和谐合作; Harmony between human-beings: in harmony is the cooperation of about ten provinces and one hundred companies on 145 sub-systems and 12000 components during the production; 运营过程中服务质量与乘客文明素质的和谐。 in harmony is the service quality and passenger quality during operation. ; 人与自然的和谐: 节能、环保 (Harmony between human-being and nature: energy-saving, environmental friendly);*;3. 上下求索之路 (Road to Pursue the Truth in the World ); 3.1 自主开发(Self-development);3.2 吸收再创新 (Absorption and Re-innovation);高速列车技术 ( High Speed Train Technology );交流传动(AC Drive Technology );交流传动系统集成 (Traction Drive System Integration);3.3 电力电子技术的快速发展 (Rapid Development of Power Electronics Technology );牵引变流器关键技术 (Key Technology of Traction Converter );常用电压型变流器 (Voltage Source Converter in Common Use );三电平变流器(Three-level Converter);;信息技术的快速发展 (Rapid Development of Information Technology );转子磁场定向控制 (Rotor Field-oriented Control );直接转矩控制 (Direct Torque Control);四象限脉冲整流器控制 (4-Quardant Pulse Rectifier Control);粘着与蠕滑率控制 (Adhesion and Slip Control);列车网络控制系统结构 (Train Network Control System Structure);分布式列车控制系统 ( Distribute Train Control System);;牵引传动系统建模与仿真 Traction Drive System Model and Simulation;生产线 1 Production Line 1;生产线 2 Production Line 2;4. 路漫漫 (Road to Infinity );4.1 新型变流器(Novel Converte


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