英语人教版八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make...第一课时.doc

英语人教版八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make...第一课时.doc

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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Period One(Section A 1a-1c) --- XianShi Middle School I. Teaching Aims and Demands: Knowledge goals: A.Important words :peel, cut…up, put…in,?pour…into,?turn?on.. B.Impointant structures : How?do?you?make…?? ?????????? ?First…, than…,next…,finally…. Ability goals: A.Can understand the instructions of how to make a banana milk shake . B.Can describe how to make a banana milk shake. Emotional goals: Be able to select the appropriate verbs to describe the process of making a home food. Through to the food production methods of learning, stimulate students interest in learning. Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points and Teaching difficult Points:? A.Teaching key Points 1).Vocabulary:peel ,cut up, put…in, pour…into ,turn on ,blender, drink ,milk shake, 2).Target Language: ① ─How do you make a banana milk shake? ─First, peel the bananas… ② ─How many bananas do we need? ─We need three bananas. B.Teaching Difficult Points:? 1).Use target language to describe how to make a banana milk shake. 2).Imperative sentence.( Do sth.) 3).Adverbs of sequences: first, next, then, finally. Ⅲ.Teaching Aids: some fruit, Tape-recorder, pictures, PPt Ⅳ.Learning situation: 本设计的内容是第一课时,即Section?A(1a-1c) 主要是让学生学会用英语描述制作香蕉奶昔的过程和步骤,并以这一主题引出重点句子祈使句,顺序副词等语言知识。我们所在地方偏僻,学习英语的环境差,每天仅有1节英语课。但是八年级的学生好奇心强、求知欲旺盛,喜欢动手参与。所以,我在教学中让学生更多的亲身体验,给学生创造英语学习环境。使学生对英语学习产生更高的兴趣,圆满的完成本节课的学习任务。 VI.Teaching Procedures: Step Ⅰ.Greeting. T and Ss greet each other . Step Ⅱ.Lead-in. show an apple and say: I like apples. My favorite fruit is apples. Then ask Ss:What’s your favorite fruit? Ss:I like… Revise the names of some fruit: apple, banana, pear,orange,strawberry,mango,grape and so on .And show some pictures about drinks.Revise the names of some drinks: water,juice,tea,wine,beer,coffee,cola and so on .Ask students:What’s your favorite drink? Ss:I like… Step Ⅲ.1a 1.Show some pictures about milk shake.Ask students:Can you make milk


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