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极地特快 PAGE PAGE 1 原声英语 片名:北极特快 多年以前的某个圣诞夜 On Christmas Eve, many years ago... 我静静的躺在床上 ...I lay quietly in my bed. 我没有翻来覆去 I did not rustle the sheets. 也没有心浮气燥 I breathed slowly and silently. 我仔细听着 害怕再也听不到... I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear. 圣诞老人雪橇上的铃声 The ringing bells of Santa 's sleigh. 好了 好了 你喝完了水 是吗 All right. All right, Sarah, you had your water. 该上楼睡觉啦 Now let's get you upstairs and into bed. 但...但...我得... But...But...But, I hace to... 他说圣诞老人得飞的比光速还快... He said Santa would have to fly faster than light... 才能在一个晚上到每户人家去 他的雪橇也得和一艘货船一样大 ...to get to every house in one night. And to hold everyone's presents... 才能装的下每个人的礼物 ...his sled would be bigger than an ocean liner. 你哥哥是这么说的? 他是说笑 他知道圣诞老人是怎样的 Your brother said that? He was just kidding you. He knows there's a Santa. 他说他不确定 是不是真的有圣诞老人 He said he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if Santa was for real. 当然有啦 就像圣诞节也是真的呀 Of course Santa is real. He's as real as Christmas itself. 但是如果不好好睡觉 圣诞老人就不会来 But he won't come until you're sound asleep, young lady. 祝好梦 Sweet dreams. 圣诞老人很快就会来 Santa will be here before you know it. 快睡吧 So go to sleep. 史塔克 拜伦 Stark, barren. 无生命迹象 Decoid of life. 大概已经睡着了 He's gotta be asleep by now. 他以前总是不睡 要等圣诞老人 He used to stay awake all night waiting for Santa. 以前的日子都过去了 Think those days are just about over. 如果真是这样 那也真伤心 That would be sad if that were true. 对呀 童真不再 Yeah, an end of the magic. 圣诞快乐 甜心 Merry Christmas, sweetheart. 他睡的真熟 See, he's out like a light. 就算火车来也吵不醒 An express train wouldn't wake him up now. 童真不再 "End of the magic"? 上车咯 All aboard! 上车咯 All aboard! 你...要上车吗 Well, You coming? 去哪儿 Where? 当然是去北极啦 Why, to the North Pole, of course. 这是极地特快 This is the Polar Express. 北极 The North Pole? 我明白了 I see. 请替我拿一下 Hold this, please. 谢谢 Thank you. 这是你吗 Is this you? - 是的 - 这上说... -Yeah. -Well, it says here... 今年没去商场和圣诞老人拍照 也没写信给他 ...no photo with a department-store Santa this year, no letter to Santa. 还叫你妹妹也不要写... And you made your sister put out the milk and cookies.


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