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1.a piece of cake.—something easy to do
2.a wet blanket –boring/afraid to have fun
3.all ears—listening carefully
4.pull one’s leg –-joke with sb
5.have green fingers—be good at gardening 园艺能手
6.the top dog—an important person in an organization
7.give sb the cold shoulder –be not friendly to sb
8.rain dogs and rats –rain heavily
9.not my cap of tea—not really to one’s taste
10.as strong as a horse—very strong
11.as busy as a bee –very busy
12.as poor as a church mouse –very poor
13.as cool as a cucumber –very calm
14.sleep like a log –sleep very deeply
15.to laugh one’s head off –to laugh very hard
16.to smile on someone – you are lucky(好运降临
17.over the moon 欣喜若狂
18.hot under the collar 愤怒的
19.on cloud nine 狂喜
20.down in the dumps 气馁,沮丧,垂头丧气
21.fly off the handle 勃然大怒
22.feel blue 心情不好
23.white as a sheet –pale because of pale
24.tickled pink—delighted; very pleased
25.in the red--- in debt
26.in the black—having money in the bank account
27.feel blue –unhappy; sad
28.green with envy—jealous
29.feet of clay—a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect
30.see the handwriting on the wall –see signs that disaster is coming
31.kill the fatted calf –have a large celebration(宴请,)
32.you reap what you sow –our small kindnesses often bring us rich rewards, while our small offence can bring disasters.
33.the apple of somebody’s eye—a child who is loved very much by his or her parents.
34.the salt of the earth 诚实高尚的人,社会中坚
35.be a weed—weak and not brave
36.as hungry as a lion—wanting something very much
37.as sharp as a spear—very clever
38.black is white and white is black—things appear different
39.cast-iron nerves – a very strong will
40.as sly as a fox—clever at tricking others
41.eat like a bird – eat very little
42.as tall as a tree—very tall
43.A child’s play –an easy job 易如反掌
44.Off the top of your head 不假思索脱口而出,
45.On paper 在理论上
46.Have butterflies in your stomach 忐忑不安,紧张 / ant in one’s pant 坐立不安
47.Do your homework about 为……做好准备
48.As easy as pie 易如反掌
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