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PAGE PAGE 5 上海交通大学 致远学院 2014年第一学期(秋季) 《线性代数》课程教学说明 课程基本信息 开课学院(系):致远学院 课程名称:《线性代数》 (Linear Algebra) 学时/学分:80学时/ 5学分 先修课程:×××× 上课时间:大学一年级第一学期 上课地点:×××× 任课教师:××××××(姓名+邮箱) 办公室及电话:×××××× 助教:××××××(姓名+邮箱) Office hour:××××××(时间+地点) 课程主要内容(中英文) 多项式介绍 (5学时) Chapter One Introduction to the theory of polynomials 主要内容:多项式的定义、最大公因式、因式分解、中国剩余定理、实和复系数多项式, 代数基本定理。 Main contents: the theory of polynomials, including polynomials and polynomial functions, division with remainder and remainder theorem, greatest common factors, irreducible polynomials, standard factorization formula, polynomials over the fields consisting of real and complex numbers respectively, and fundamental theorem of algebra. 重点与难点:最大公因式、不可约多项式、实和复系数多项式。 Highlights: greatest common factors, irreducible polynomials, and polynomials over the fields consisting of real and complex numbers respectively 行列式 (5学时) Chapter Two Determinants 主要内容,行列式的定义及性质、Laplace定理、行列式的计算。 Main contents: determinants and their properties, Laplace theorem, computation of determinants. 重点与难点:行列式的基本性质及应用 Highlights: basic properties and their applications. 第三章 n 维向量、矩阵及线性方程组(16学时) Chapter Three Vectors of n-tuples, Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations 主要内容:向量组的线性相关、线性无关,向量组的秩,矩阵的定义及运算,矩阵的秩,矩阵的初等变换,矩阵与向量组的关系,初等方阵与初等变换的关系,线性方程组解的结构,分块矩阵及应用。 Main contents: linear dependence and independence of vectors of n-tuples, rank, matrices, rank of a matrix, elementary operations on the matrix, relations between elementary matrices and elementary operators, structure of solutions of a system of linear equations, partitioned matrices and applications. 重点与难点:向量组的性质,矩阵的性质,线性方程组解的结构,分块矩阵的应用. Highlights: basic properties of vectors of n-tuples and matrices, structure of solutions of a system of linear equations, partitioned matrices and applications. 第四章 二次型(6学时) Chapter Four Quadratic Forms 主要内容:二次型的定义及矩阵表示,实与复二次型的标准形,正定(半正定)实二次型。 Main contents: the definition of a quadratic form, matrix representation, canonical form of a quadratic form, real


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