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第5 卷 第1 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol.5 No.1 2005 年3 月 Journal of T raffic and Transportation Engineering Mar. 2005 :1671-1637(2005)0-1 006-1 05 彭 瑛,胡明华,张 颖 ( ,  210016)  :应用大圆航迹和等角航迹原理, 合雷达、电报等动态数据, 研究了动态航迹推测算法,以 及该算法在航空器飞行轨迹预测、航空器过航路点时间预测和空中交通流量动态统计预测等方面 的应用。利用广州机场的实际航班数据,将动态航迹推测算法与经验时间累加法进行了对比研究, 发现动态航迹推测算法符合航空器运行规则,其误差在±0.5 min 之内,能及时修正航空器的飞行 轨迹,反应灵敏。结果表明动态航迹推测方法能更好地预测未来短时期内空域使用情况, 是一种为 空中交通战术流量管理提供准确数据的有效方法。 :空中交通;流量管理;航迹推测;动态数据 合 :U249.112   :A Conjecture method of dynamic flying track PENG Ying, HU Ming-hua, ZHANG Ying (School of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China) Abstract:This paper studied the algorithm of flying track conjecture by using the principium of garden line and angle line conjecture combined with the dynamic data of radar and flight telegraph, calculated the flying track and fix point time of aerocraft, and estimated air traffic flow by the method, the result w as compared w ith that by experience time add-up method w ith the flight plan data of airport ZGGG. It is pointed that dynamic flying track conjecture method has high sensitivity, its error is w ithin ±0.5 min, it accords with fly rules, and can revise the fly route in rea-l time. The results indicate that dynamic flying track conjecture method could estimate the flow of airspace more accurately, is an effective measurement for tactical air traffic flow management. 3 tabs, 1fig, refs. Key words:air traffic;flow management;flying track conjecture;dynamic data combining Author resume:PENG Ying(197-), female, master, 6-25-4 95 03, py423 @sina. com . 。 0    ,,


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