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第 26卷 第 8期 贵州师范学院学报 Vol. 26. No. 8 2010年 8月 Journal ofGuizhou Norm al College Aug. 2010 ¹ 浅析音乐欣赏的审美心理过程 (贵州师范学院, 贵州 贵阳 550018) : , , , , , 。、、、 , , 、、。 : ;; ; ; : J601 : A : 16 4- 98( 2010) 08- 0035- 03 An An a ly sis on th e P sych olog ica l P ro cess o f A esth etics in M u sic A pp r ecia tion WANG Hua- wei ( Gu izhou Norm al College, Gu iyang, Gu izhou, 550018) Ab str ac t: The activity ofmusic appreciation ism ainly reflected in a series of psychological activities of the ap2 preciator. The psychologicalprocess in music appreciation usually starts from the acoustic perception, enters the emo2 tional experience and mi agination association, and finally, through comprehension and understanding, grasps the ide2 ological them e and life conception of the music. In the process of experiencing a p iece ofmusic, the four m ain psy2 chological elem en ts of acoustic perception, emotional experiencing, mi agination association, comprehension and un2 derstand ing play d ifferen t roles. They are not isolated elements but closely related onesw ith mu tual infiltration and in2 teraction. K ey w ord s: MusicAppreciation; A coustic Perception; Emotional Experiencing; Im agination Association; Com2 prehension and Understand ing 作为美学、音乐学 心理学的一个分支, 音乐心理学 经过相当一段时期的发展, 至今已形成一门独立学科并 一、音响感知: 音乐欣赏审美心理 逐渐表现出一种互相融合 吸收的发展趋势。音乐美学 活动的前提和基础 音乐心理学的结合, 为揭开音乐


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