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动 物 学 研 究 2013,Oct. 34(5): 471−474 CN 53-1040/Q ISSN 0254-5853 Zoological Research DOI:10.11813/j.issn.0254-5853.2013.5.0471 不同地理种群东方墨头鱼 (Garra orientalis)的形态分化 * * 杨 熙,周 伟 ,李 旭 ,李奇生 西南林业大学,云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南 昆明 650224 摘要:为确认分布于闽江、珠江、红河水系和海南岛的东方墨头鱼居群间存在的形态差异是否达到亚种或种的水平,该文将 采自上述4 个水系共72 尾标本根据水系分为四组,比较了 10 个外部形态特征,并运用多变量形态度量学方法,对13 个框 架结构特征和23 个常规特征进行分析。主成分分析结果散点图显示,海南岛居群相对集中,但仍未能与其他3 个水系居群 完全区分,而其他3 个水系居群则完全混杂在一起。该研究结果表明,形态特征比较和形态度量学分析难以区分东方墨头鱼 的不同地理居群,其种或种下分化研究需借助于分子生物学方法。 关键词:东方墨头鱼;主成分分析;形态度量学 中图分类号:Q959.46+8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0254-5853-(2013)05-0471-04 Morphological differentiation of Garra orientalis (Cyprinidae )among different geographical populations * * Xi YANG, Wei ZHOU , Xu LI , Qi-Sheng LI Southwest Forestry University, Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control in Yunnan Province, Kunming 650224, China Abstract: Morphological differences were found among specimens of Garra orientalis from Minjiang River, Pearl River, Red River and Hainan Island. To confirm whether the morphological differences among these geographical populations had reached the level of subspecies or species, seventy-two specimens of Garra orientalis were divided into four groups according to the four drainage areas stated above. Ten external morphological characteristics were observed. Thirteen frame characteristics and twenty-three general characteristics were measured and analyzed for multivariate morphometrics. In scatter plots of principal components, the specimens from Hainan Island were relatively concentrated on the scatter plots, but were not completely separated from the other three drainages. The samples from the other three drainages were completely mixed together. These resu


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