
Chapter 9 质谱学的发展与应用Orbitrap.ppt

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第九章 轨道离子阱质谱仪 (Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry) 2011,05,27 本节课内容: 1,Orbittrap MS 结构和原理 2,Orbittrap MS 特点 3,Orbittrap MS 应用 Orbitrap-MS 1,Orbitrap MS 结构和原理 (1), Orbitrap MS 的基本结构 Orbitrap 和酒桶 当直流电压加在内外二个电极上时,产生下列形式的电场分布: 利用不同质荷比的离子在一稳定电场中的回旋运动所产生的与质荷比对应的映像电流推断其离子种类。 (a),离子初始动能与电场不吻合; (b),所有离子初始动能相同,回旋几百次以后的轨迹; (c),所有离子初始动能相同(1.620eV),与径向电场很好吻合; (d),离子初始动能为1.570eV 和1.670eV 时的运动轨迹。 LTQ-Orbitrap 仪器系统结构示意图 LTQ-Orbitrap 仪器系统结构原理示意图 离子运动示意图 The OrbitrapTM: A “Hybrid” Trap – Between IT and ICR The Orbitrap is a recently developed electrostatic ion trap with FT/MS read-out of image current, coupled with MS/MS Advantages Ease of use Resolving power (superior to TOF) Precision and accuracy Versatility, dynamic range A lower-resolution, more economical ICR LTQ Orbitrap schematic LTQ Orbitrap Operation Principle Frequencies and Masses Multiple-Stage MS: MS-MS, and MSn 离子在Orbitrap中被激发的过程示意图 FTICR中三种离子激发方式示意图 离子激发和信号测量示意图 测量所得到的所有“映象”电流,后通过FT处理得到所对应的离子信号离子 Comparison of Mass Analyzers 2, 特点: 3,应用 质谱仪中的离子探测器 Detectors: Electron Multipliers Detectors: Others 谢 谢! * * 内外二个电极组成: 内电极:纺锤形 外电极:酒桶形 上式中,r, z为极坐标, Rm为特征半径, k 为轴向存储作用力,C为常数。 K由电极形状和所加载的工作电压所决定。 API Ion source Linear Ion Trap C-Trap Orbitrap Finnigan LTQ? Linear Ion Trap Differential pumping Differential pumping 1. Ions are stored in the Linear Trap 2. …. are axially ejected 3. …. and trapped in the C-trap 4. …. they are squeezed into a small cloud and injected into the Orbitrap 5. …. where they are electrostatically trapped, while rotating around the central electrode and performing axial oscillation The oscillating ions induce an image current into the two outer halves of the orbitrap, which can be detected using a differential amplifier Ions of only one mass generate a sine wave signal The axial oscillation frequency follows the formula Where w = oscillation frequency k = instru


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